윔피키드 영어공부 Diary of a Wimpy Kid Day 12

  윔피키드 시리즈는 영어학습용으로 제작된 책으로 실제 회화에서 자주 사용되는 표현을 담고 있습니다. 따라서 영어회화, 스피킹 실력 향상을 위한 좋은 영어원서입니다. 

Diary of a Wimpy Kid 윔피키드 영어공부
Day 12(126-135p)

*cost a fortune 엄청나게 비싸다
+) This wedding must have cost a fortune.
    이 결혼식에 돈이 많이 들었음에 틀림없다.
That thing must have cost a fortune.(126p)
*have not the heart to 차마 …할 수 없다 
+) I could not have the heart to say that. 
    감히 그 말을 할 용기가 없었다.
+) I didn't have the heart to refuse her request. 
    그녀의 부탁을 차마 거절할 수 없었다
I didn't have the heart to tell him.(126p)
아빠가 상처받을까봐 차마 말을 할 수 없었다.
*interest in ...에 대한 관심
*weight-lifting 역도
*clear out 떠나다
I was sitting on the couch watching Manny play with his toys, feeling pretty sorry for myself.(126p)

*trick 속임수 
*pull a trick (보통은 농담이나 꾀를 이용해서) 다른 사람을 속이거나 놀리다 
Mom pulled the same "big box" trick on me last year when she got me a memory card for my video game system. 작년에 엄마가 비디오 게임기에 쓸 메모리 카드를 선물할 때도 이번처럼 '커다란 상자'로 나를 놀린 적이 있었다. 
-큰 선물을 받을 것처럼 기대하게 만들었지만 커다란 상자 안에 작은 메모리 카드가 들어 있었음
*practical joke (사람을 웃음거리로 만드는) 장난
At first I thought Mom was playing some kind of practical joke on me.(127p)

*mix-up~을 혼동하다
I told Mom there must have been some kind of mix-up.(128p)
*wrapping paper 
It's a Christmas miracle.

*throw in the towel (패배, 실수를 인정하고) 포기하다, 항복하다
I kind of decided to throw in the towel for this Christmas.(129p)

*count on ~을 믿다, ~을 확신하다
I can always count on them for a good gift.(130p)
*hype [haɪp] (대대적이고 과장된) 광고[선전], 광고[선전]를 하다
*hyping 과대선전하기, 속이기
From the way Rowley was hyping his present.(130p)

*hope 기대, 희망
+) Don't get your hopes up.
     너무 기대하지마.
I let my hopes get too high.(131p)
*be supposed to 
*loot 전리품

I'm glad SOMEONE got what they wanted today.(132p)
오늘 누군가는 자기가 원하는 선물을 받았으니 기쁘다.
It's a Christmas miracle.

*fill 메우다, 채우다 
*fill sb in 놓친 부분을 알려주다, ~에게 지금까지 있는 일을 들려주다
-비어있는 부분, 즉 부족하거나 필요한 부분을 채워서 완성시키는 그림
+) I'll fill you in later. 나중에 알려줄게.
+) I missed the meeting this morning. Can you fill me in?
    오늘 아침 회의에 참석하지 못했는데 제가 놓친 내용을 얘기해 줄 수 있어요?
+) What's going on? Fill me in.
    무슨 일이에요? 알려주세요.
+) I can fill you in over lunch. 
    점심 먹으면서 자세하게 얘기해 줄게요. 
Let me fill you in.(133p)
*fool 바보
That fool swallowed it.(133p)

*lose one's mind 미치다, 실성하다
Well, Manny completely lost his mind.(134p)
*be in trouble 곤경에 처하다
I knew I was in big trouble.(134p)
*사역동사 make 
-상대방을 그렇게 만들어버리다라는 강압적인 뉘앙스가 들어있어 일반적인 상황에서는 잘 사용되지 않습니다. 
<사역동사 공식>
주어 +동사+ 목적어+동사원형
+) I made my son clean his room. 
I was going to make him eat it.(133p)
He slapped my hand and made me drop the thread.(133p)
Manny told Mom I made him eat a spider.(134p)

Manny took a while to look over the things on the plate.(135p)
*resolution (굳은) 다짐, 결심
My New Year's resolution is to never play with Manny again.(135p)

1. 아는 만큼 들립니다. 오디오북을 신경써서 들어주세요. 


2. 게시물 숙제

Diary of a Wimpy Kid를 읽고 기억하고 싶은 문장, 단어나 구문 등을 골라 댓글로 올려주세요. 

3. 녹음 숙제

카톡 기능을 이용하여 5분간  원서를 읽거나 단어나 주요문장을 반복해서 소리내어 읽어주세요.


  1. #In fact, the only thing that tipped me off that Christmas was coming was when Rodrick his wish list up on the refrigerator.
    #I decided to step in and give him some good big-brotherly advice.
    #He said he’d hook me up.
    #He told me to either throw it out or give it away to charity.
    #But Manny made out like a bandit.
    #Dad swoops right in and cleans up after them.
    #But parents eat that stuff up

  2. 1.practical joke on me
    2.throw I the towel

  3. # I kind of decided to throw in the towel for this Christmas.
    # From the way Rowley was hyping his present,
    # Well, I’m glad Someone got what they wanted today.

  4. 1. I didn't have the heart to tell him.
    2. I kind of decided to throw in the towel for this Christmas.
    3. I can always count on them for a good gift.
    4. but once again, I let my hopes get too high.
    5. I'm glad someone got what they wanted today.
    1 cost a fortune 엄청나게 비싸다
    2 clear out 떠나다
    3 loot 전리품
    4 enthusiastic열렬한
    5 violent 폭력적인
    6 resolution 다짐

  5. 1. I didn't have the heart to tell him.
    2. All the relatives cleared out.
    3. Mom pulled the same trick on me.
    4. Mom was playing practical joke on me.
    5. I decided to throw in the towel for this.
    6. I can always count on them for a good gift.
    7. I let my hope get too high.
    8. Let me fill you in.

  6. 1. I thought Mom was playing some kind of practical joke on me.
    2. I kind of decided to throw in the towel for this Christmas.
    3.Rowley was so enthusiastic about it that I tried my best to act like I was happy anyway.

    enthusiastic 열광적인
    hyping 과대선전
    horsing around 법석떨다 말장난
    violent 난폭한 격렬할
    practical joke 실제장난

  7. that thing must have been cost a fortune.
    all relatives cleared out. clear out 떠나다
    practical joke (사람을 웃음거리로 만드는) 장난
    His practical joke invited our anger. 그의 짖꿎은 장난으로 우리는 화가 났다.
    I decided to throw in the towel for this Christmas.
    hype 과대선전 과대선전을 하다 hyping
    I let my hopes get too high.
    Christmas loot * loot 전리품, (폭동화재 등이 났을 때 상점건물에서 물건을) 훔치다
    let me fill you in.내가 알려줄께
    fill me in 알려주세요.
    * fill somebody in (on something) (~에 대해) ~에게 지금까지 있은 일을 들려주다
    My New Year's resolution is to never play with Manny again.

  8. 1. I didn’t have the heart to tell Dad.
    2. I kind of decided to throw in the towel for this Christmas.
    3. I let my hopes get too high.
    4. I have no idea what I’m supposed to do with one now.
    5. That fool swallowed it.
    * cost a fortune 엄청나게 비싸다.
    * practical joke 장난
    * lose one’s mind 미치다 실성하다
    * enthusiastic 열렬한

  9. 1. That thing must have cost a fortune.
    2. I didn't have the heart to tell Dad.
    3. Mom pulled the same "big box" trick on me last year.
    4. I kind of decided to throw in the towel for this Christmas.
    5. And that seemed to do the trick.
    6. Rowley's parents have a lot of money, so I can always count on the for a good gift.
    7.I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with one now.
    8. Let me fil you in.

  10. 1.Practical joke on me
    2.throw in the towel

  11. 1. That thing must have cost a fortune.
    2. I just excused myself and went back inside.
    3. I kind of decided to throw in the towel for this Christmas.
    4. I can always count on them for a good gift.
    5. I let my hopes get too high.
    6. You have never seen someone as happy as Rowley.
    7. I'm glad someone got what they wanted today.
    8. Let me fill you in.
    9. He slapped my hand and made me drop the thread.
    10. Manny completely lost his mind.
    11. I knew I was in big trouble.
    12. Manny told Mom I made him eat a spider.
    13. Manny took a while to look over the things on the plate.
    resolution 다짐
    raisin 건포도
    enthusiastic 열광
    loot 전리품
    hype 과대선전

  12. Cost a fortune 엄청나게 비싸다
    Clear out 떠나다
    Practical joke 장난
    Had no idea 전혀 모르다
    Throw in the towel 포기하다, 항복하다
    Count on ~을 믿다, 확신하다
    Hype 광고
    Loot 전리품
    Let me fill you in 나중에 알려줄게
    Resolution 다짐, 결심

  13. Cost a fortune
    Have not to heart to
    Clear out
    Throw in thr towel
    Loose one's mind

  14. 1. cost a fortune. 엄청나게 비싸다
    2. clear out 떠나다
    3. I didn't have the heart to tell Dad. 차마 아빠에게 말할 수가 없었다.
    4. throw in the towel 패배를 인정하다
    5. I just slapped a bow on the "Lil Cutie"book Rodrick gave me.
    6. let me fill you in.
    I 'll fill you in later.
    7. I let my hopes get too high.
    don't get your hopes up. 너무 기대하지마

  15. *cost a fortune 엄청나게 비싸다
    *interest in ...에 대한 관심
    *clear out 떠나다
    *pull a trick (보통은 농담이나 꾀를 이용해서) 다른 사람을 속이거나 놀리다
    *mix-up~을 혼동하다
    *throw in the towel (패배, 실수를 인정하고) 포기하다, 항복하다
    *count on ~을 믿다, ~을 확신하다
    *fill sb in 놓친 부분을 알려주다, ~에게 지금까지 있는 일을 들려주다
    *lose one's mind 미치다, 실성하다
    *be in trouble 곤경에 처하다
    *resolution (굳은) 다짐, 결심

  16. 1. All the relatives cleared out.
    2. I didn’t have the heart to tell him.
    3. At first I thought Mom was playing some kind of practical joke on me.
    4. I let my hopes get too high.
    5. I’m gold someone got what they wanted today.
    * cost a fortune 엄청나게 비싸다.
    * throw in the towel 포기하다. 항복하다.
    * hyping 과대선전하기 속이기
    * That fool swallowed it.
    * resolution 굳은 다짐 결심.

  17. 1. That thing must have cost a fortune.
    2. I thought Mom was playing some kind of practical joke on me.
    3. I kind of decided to throw in the towel for this Christmas.

    hyping 과대선전
    enthusiastic 열광적인
    loot 전리품
    violent 난폭한
    horsing around 장난치다 법석떨다

    1. Cost fortune 엄청나게 비싸다
      No have the heart to tell
      차마 - 할 수 없다
      Practical joke
      Mix up
      Throw in the towel 포기, 항복하다
      Hyping 과대선전, 광고
      Loot 전리품
      Fill somebody in 놓친 부분을 알려주다

  18. This wedding must have cost a fortune.
    이 결혼식에 돈이 많이 들었음에 틀림없다.

    cleared out 떠나다
    weight-lifting 역도

    I didn't have the heart to tell him.
    아빠가 상처받을까봐 차마 말을 할 수 없었다.

    Mom pulled the same "big box" trick on me last year when she got me a memory card for my video game system.

    I told Mom there must have been some kind of mix-up.

    count on ~을 믿다, ~을 확신하다

    lose one's mind 미치다

    Manny took a while to look over the things on the plate.


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