원서리딩 챌린지 Diary of a Wimpy Kid 윔피키드 Day 13


재미있는 윔피키드 읽으며 영어공부해요. 미국현지에서 사용하는 구어체 문장이 가득해 영어회화에 바로 도움이 되는 영어원서, Diary of a Wimpy Kid입니다.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid 윔피키드 영어공부
Day 13(136-144p)

*come up with 제시[제안]하다, ...을 생산하다
I came up with this game.(136p)
*thrower ~을 던지는 사람, 선수
It's a lot harder to hit a moving target than I thought.(136p)

*be no fool 쉽게 속아넘어가지 않다
I'm no fool(137p)
Do you want to have a turn now?
No thanks... I'm not as good as you.
*work at 일을 하다, 노력하다, ...에 몰두하다
+) I need to work at improving my English
    영어 실력을 향상시키려 노력해야겠다.
I guess I have something to work at over the rest of Christmas vacation.(137p)

*crank 크랭크로 돌리다, 짜증을 잘 내는 사람, 괴짜
*crank out (특히 질 낮은 물건들을) 빠르게 만들어 내다[쏟아 내다] (=turn out)
*when it comes to ~에 관한 한
*blank 빈, 녹음되지 않은, 멍한
+) Do we have a blank video? 
    우리 비디오 공 테이프 있니?
+) She gave him a blank stare. 
    그녀가 그를 멍하니 응시했다.
*go blank 멍하다, 아무 생각[기억]이 안나다
When it came to actually writing them, my mind went blank.(138p)
*general form 일반적인 형식
*breeze 식은 죽 먹기
+) It's a breeze 식은 죽 먹기다 / 아주 쉽다
Writing the card from there was a breeze.(138p)
▶아주 쉽다, 식은 죽 먹기 영어로 다양한 표현 배우기

It’s a piece of cake.
It’s a walk in the park.
It’s easy as pie.
It’s a breeze.
It's a cinch.
It’s a doddle.
It’s child’s play.

*encyclopedia [ɪnˌsaɪkləˈpiːdiə] 백과사전
Thank you for making this the best Christmas ever!(139p)
*work out (일이) 잘 풀리다
My system worked out pretty well for the first couple of gifts, but after that, not so much.(139p)

It didn't happen the way I expected.(140p)
*land 내려앉다, 착륙하다, 차지[획득]하다
He landed pretty hard on his left hand.(140p)
*shake it off 잊어버리다, 떨쳐버리다
+) Then he seemed to shake it off.
    이제 그는 잊어버린 것 처럼 보였다
+) You just needed to learn to shake it off. 
    너는 단지 잊는법을 배우는게 필요해
I figured he'd just shake it off.(140p)
*crack somebody up ~를 몹시 웃기다
I tried to cheer him up, but all the jokes that usually crack him up weren't working.(140p)

*must 이성적 판단과 추측을 나타낼 때
I knew he must be hurt pretty bad.(141p)
▶ hurt 동사로의 쓰임
1) 다치게[아프게] 하다
Did you hurt + 아픈 부위? 
너 손가락 다쳤어? Did you hurt your finger? 
너 다쳤어? Did you hurt yourself? 
너 때문에 다쳤잖아. You hurt me.  
2) 아프다
머리가 아파. My head hurts.
여기가 아파. It hurts here. 
▶ hurt 형용사로의 쓰임: 다친 
be+형용사: 다쳐서 아픈 상태가 되다
get+형용사: 안 그러다가 그런 상태가 되다
+) Are you hurt?/ Did you get hurt? 다치셨어요? 
+) How were you get?/ How did you get hurt?
    어쩌다가 다쳤어?
He broke his hand.
*cast 깁스
Now he has to wear a cast.(141p)
*crowd around 주변에 몰려들다
Everyone was crowding around him like he was a hero or something.(141p)
Does it still hurt?
You poor thing!

*cash in (on something) ~을 이용해먹다
*backfire 역효과를 낳다, 악화를 일으키다
I tried to cash in on some of Rowley's new popularity, but it totally backfired.(142p)
*tick somebody off ~를 화나게[귀찮게]하다
What really ticks me off about that is that Rowley is right-handed.(142p)
*here come 온다
Here come the discus and javelin throwers.(매직트리하우스16-6/39p) 
Here come을 보니 비틀즈의 노래가 생각나요. 
Here comes the airplane!

*racket [ˈrækɪt] 사기, 기만, 부정수단, 소음, (테니스 등의) 라켓
*rage 맹렬히 계속되다, 맹위를 떨치다
*raging 격렬한, 엄청난
*infection 감염
*splinter 가시[조각], 갈라지다, 쪼개지다, 깨지다
*leave untreated 치료를 받지 않다, 처리되지 않다
It's a raging infection caused by a splinter that was left untreated!
*swarm 떼[무리]를 지어다니다, 떼[무리]
I couldn't figure out why the girls weren't swarming me like they swarmed Rowley, but then I realized what the problem was.(143p)
*gimmick (관심을 끌기 위한) 술책
It's not exactly easy to sign gauze with a pen.(143p)

*come up with 제시[제안]하다, ...을 생산하다
So I came up with a solution that I thought was just as good.(144p)
*sympathy 동정, 연민
*bust 실패작
That idea was a total bust, too.(144p)
*go for ~을 노리다, 시도하다, 선택하다
+) I think I'll go for a hot chocolate.
     난 핫초코로 할까봐.
+) She decided to go for the red dress instead of the blue one. 
    그녀는 파란색 대신 빨간색 드레스를 선택했어요.
+) If you're feeling tired, go for a short walk to refresh yourself.
    피곤하다면 짧은 산책을 해서 기운을 내세요.
They were not the type of people I was going for.(144p)

1. 아는 만큼 들립니다. 오디오북을 신경써서 들어주세요. 


2. 게시물 숙제

Diary of a Wimpy Kid를 읽고 기억하고 싶은 문장, 단어나 구문 등을 골라 댓글로 올려주세요. 

3. 녹음 숙제

카톡 기능을 이용하여 5분간  원서를 읽거나 단어나 주요문장을 반복해서 소리내어 읽어주세요.


  1. # It took Rowely like ten minutes to walk the Big Wheel back up the hill after every trip down.
    # Let me tell you, it’s not easy writing thank-you notes for stuff you didn’t want in the first place.
    # Writing the cards from there was a breeze.
    # Rowley tired to break his fall by sticking out his arms, but he landed pretty hard on his left hand.
    (105 page : he couldn’t stick his arms out to break his fall.)
    # I tried to cash in on some of Rowely’s new popularity, but it totally backfired.
    +Cash in on something : ~을 이용해 먹다.
    # What really ticks me off about that is that Rowley is right-handed.
    +Tick somebody off ~를 화나게하다

  2. 1.im no fo
    2.work at
    3. I could just crank out my thank-you cards
    4. it's a breeze:식은죽 먹기다
    5.shake It off:잊어버리다. 떨쳐버리다.
    6.crowd around:주변에 몰려들다
    7.cash in-을 이용해 먹다
    I tried to cash in on some of Rowley's new popularity
    9.tick off-을 화나에 귀찮게 하다. What really ticks me off about that is that
    11. I couldn't figure out why the girls weren't swarming me like they swarmed Rowley
    14.i was going for

  3. 1. Writing the cards from there was a breeze.
    2. Everyone was crowding around him like he was a hero or something.
    3. It totally backfired.
    4. I realized what the problem was.
    5. I came up with a solution that I thought was just as good.
    6. That idea was a total bust, too.
    * be no fool 쉽게 속아 넘어가지 않다.
    * tick somebody off ~를 화나게 하다.
    * leave untreated 치료를 받지 않다
    * crack somebody up ~를 몹시 웃기다.
    * crowd around 주변에 몰려들다
    * popularity 인기

  4. 1. When it came to actually writing them, my mind went blank.
    2. Writing the cards from there was a breeze.
    3. My system worked out pretty well for the first couple of gifts.
    4. Thank you for making this the best Christmas ever.
    5. It didn't happen the way I expected.
    1 come up with 제시하다
    2 crank 괴짜, 짜증을 잘내는 사람
    3 crank out 빠르게 만들다
    4 blank 빈, 멍한
    5 breeze 식은죽먹기
    6 encyclopedia 백과사전
    7 shake it off 떨쳐버리다
    8 crack ~ up ~를 몹시 웃기다
    9 cast 깁스
    10 backfire 역효과를 낳다
    11 tick ~ off ~를 화나게 하다
    12 racket 사기, 기만
    13 rage 맹렬히
    14 infection 감염
    15 splinter가시, 조각, 갈라지다
    16 swarm 떼지어다니다
    17 gimmick 술책

  5. 1. I was trying to hit him in the shoulder,but I missed and the football went under the front tyre.
    2. I tried to cheer him up,but all the jokes that usually crack him up weren’t working.
    3. I tried to cash in on some of Rowley’s new popularity,but it totally backfired.

    gimmick 술책
    ticks me off 귀찮게하다
    cash in ~을 이용해먹다
    shake it off 떨쳐버리다
    crank out 빠르게만들어내다

  6. 1. I came up with this game.
    2. I'm no fool.
    3. Do you want to have a turn now?

  7. 1. Writing the card from there was a breeze. 식은죽먹기
    2. shake it off. 떨쳐법리다. 잊어버리다
    3. crack (SB) up (SB)를 몹시 웃기다
    4. I tried to cash in on some of Rowley's new popularity, but it totally backfired.
    5. tick (SB) off 화나게하다
    6. racket 사기 기만 부정수단 라켓
    7. swarm 떼 무리를 지어다니다
    8. gimmick 속임수 술책
    9. bust실패작 // that idea was a total bust.

  8. *come up with 제시[제안]하다, ...을 생산하다
    *when it comes to ~에 관한 한
    *go blank 멍하다, 아무 생각[기억]이 안나다
    *work out (일이) 잘 풀리다
    *backfire 역효과를 낳다, 악화를 일으키다
    *here come 온다
    *racket [ˈrækɪt] 사기, 기만, 부정수단, 소음, (테니스 등의) 라켓
    *go for ~을 노리다, 시도하다, 선택하다

  9. 1. I came up with this game.
    2. It's a lot harder to hit a moving target than I thought.
    3. I thought I could just crank out my thank-you cards in a half hour.
    4. there was a breeze.
    5. All the jokes that usually crack him up weren't working.
    6. What really ticks me off about that is that Rowley is right-handed.
    7. They were not the type of people I was going for.

  10. 1.be no fool:쉽게 속아 넘어가지 않다
    2.work at
    3.crank out
    4.go blank
    5.shake it off
    6.crowd around
    7.cash in - 을 이용해 먹다
    9.tick off
    13. I was going for

  11. 1. I came up with this game.
    2. I’m not as good as you.
    3. When it came to actually writing them, my mind went blank.
    4. I figured he’d just shake it off.
    5. I knew he must be hurt pretty bad.
    6. That idea was a total bust, too.
    * sympathy 동정
    * come up with 제시하다
    * splinter 가시 갈라지다
    * leave untreated 치료를 받지 않다.
    * backfire 역효과를 낳다
    * crank out 빠르게 만들어 내다.

  12. 1. It’s a lot harder to hit a moving target than I thought.
    2. I tried to cheer him up,but all the jokes that usually crack him up weren’t working.
    3. I couldn’t figure out why the girls weren’t swarming me like they swarmed Rowley.

    rage 맹렬히계속되다
    splinter 갈라지다
    swarm 무리
    gimmick 술책
    ticks me off 귀찮게하다

  13. Come up with 제안하다
    Work at ~에 몰두하다
    Crank out 빠르게 만들어 내다
    Go blank 멍하다
    There was a breeze 식은 죽 먹은
    Work out 일이 잘 풀리다
    Shake it off 잊어버리다
    Crank somebody up ~를 몹시 웃기다
    Cash in ~을 이용해 먹다
    Tick somebody off ~를 화나게하다
    Splinter 가시, 조각
    Swarm 떼, 무리
    Gimmick 속임수
    Bust 실패작
    Go for ~을 노리다

  14. 1. It's a lot harder to hit a moving target than I thought.
    2. Writing the cards from there was a breeze.
    3. Thank you so much for the awesome encyclopedia!
    4. How did you know I wanted that for Cristmas.
    5. I love the way the encyclopedia looks on my shelf!
    6. My system worked out pretty well for the first couple of gifts, but after that, not so much.
    7. But it didn't happen the way I expected.
    8. I tried to cheer him up, but all the jokes that usually crack him up weren't working.
    9. So he can feed himself just fine.
    racket 소란, 야단법석
    infection 감염
    raging 맹렬한, 격노
    spliter 조각, 파편
    tick off 점검하다, 화나게하다

  15. Be no fool
    Crank out 빠르게 만들어 내다
    There was a breeze
    Crack someone up -를 몹시 웃기다
    Cash in 이용해 먹다


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