영어원서 Diary of a Wimpy Kid 윔피키드 Day 15

매직북클럽 9월의 원서 Diary of a Wimpy Kid 윔피키드로, 매일 함께 하는 원서리딩이 즐겁습니다. 영어원서 오디오북은 발음이 정확하기 때문에 리스닝향상에 큰 도움이 됩니다. 내용을 알고 들으면 훨씬 잘 들리니 읽기 전후 비교해서 오디오북을 들어보세요. 

주말을 맞아 어휘정리 한번 해주세요. 

한 주간 매직북클럽 참여하시느라 수고많으셨습니다.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid 윔피키드 영어공부
Day 15(156-166p)

*slack off 게으름을 부리다
I've kind of slacked off ever since I became a Safety Patrol.(156p)
*psyched (곧 있을 일에 대해) 들뜬, 흥분한 
So I was psyched.(156p)

접속이라는 단어를 보는 순간, 쓰는 영어단어
access (무미건조한 느낌의 단어) 접속하다
enter (중성적 단어) 접속하다, 들어가다 
cannot get into (좌절이나 짜증, 화, 답답함이 느껴짐) 잘 안들어가진다
- 특히 부정문에서 쓰일 경우

I still cannot get into my email. 

<get into의 의미>
어떠한 공간에 어렵사리 들어가다
장애물이나 난관을 극복하고 들어가다
손을 대면 안되는 곳에 손대다, 허락받지 않은 곳에 들어가다
+) 민수 got into the medicine cabinet so…
민수가 약통에 손을 대는 바람에 약을 먹으면 안되는데 약을 먹고…

1) 난관이나 장애물이나 이런 것을 딛고 어디로 들어가다 
2) 여정보다는 최종 도착에 포커스

*get into 어떤 학교에 입학하다
I couldn't get into OO school.
제가 원하는 OO 학교에 들어가지 못했다/ 입학하지 못했다.

*get into 뭐에 관심을 가지기 시작하다, 점점 흥미를 느끼다
My son is getting into rap these days.
우리 아들이 요즘 랩에 관심을 가지고 있어요/ 흥미를 점점 느끼고 있어요.

*get into an argument/ get into a fight 싸우기 시작하다
We got into an argument over who should do the dishes. 
남편이랑 누가 설거지 할까하는 문제를 두고 싸웠다.

*get into 무슨 이야기: 깊은 얘기, 중요한 얘기, 심각한 이야기를 하다
I’m not in the mood to get into it right now. Can we talk about it later?
여보, 지금 그 얘기할 기분 아니거든. 나중에 얘기하자, 우리.
-I’m not in the mood 굉장히 세게 들리는 표현(조심해서 사용)

*Guinness Book of World Records

*go for 
-목표나 목적을 추구하거나 향해 나아가는 것
*go for the record 기록을 갱신하다
+) go for a walk 산책하다
+) go for a check-up 건강검진을 받으러 가다
But every time we've gotten serious about going for the record, all the snow has melted.(157p)
*window of opportunity 호기, 절호의 기회
We've missed our window of opportunity.(157p)
*have[take] a shot at ~을 시도하다, 해보다
If we wanted to have a shot at breaking the record.(157p)
*take a break 잠깐 휴식을 취하다
*catch one's breath 숨을 돌리다(=get one's breath)

*grunt 끙 앓는 소리, 끙 앓는 소리를 내다
*wheeze (숨쉬기 힘들어) 쌕쌕거리는 소리, 쌕쌕거리다
*grocery 구로우-슈-r뤼이/그로슈어riy
*block somebody/something in
Our snowball was blocking her car in.(158p)
So we got a little free labor out of her.(158p)
That snowball until we couldn't push it any farther.(158p)
-비슷해서 헷갈리는 단어 
*farther <물리적 거리> 더 멀리, 더 먼
*further <시간 정도 거리 수량> 더 멀리에, 더 나아가, 게다가
+) I can go no farther/further. 
    나는 더 이상 갈 수가 없다.
+) The issue needs further examination. 
    그 사안은 더 많은 검토가 필요하다.

farther는  <물리적 거리>에만 사용되고, 
further가  <시간 정도 거리 수량>를 나타내어 더 많이 사용됩니다. 

*tear [ter] 찢다, 뜯다, 찢어지다/ tear [tɪr] 눈물, 울음
*tear up (갈기갈기) 찢다, 파기하다
*sod 잔디, 떼, 뗏장
*lay 놓다, 깔다
+) lay-laid-laid
I was hoping it would snow a few more inches and cover up our tracks.(159p)
▶ I was hoping ~
현재시제 I hope → 직접적
과거시제  I was hoping → 간접적 (polite)

-어감이 부드러워지고 공손한 표현
부탁, 제안을 조심스레 꺼낼 때 잘 사용되는 표현
<누구에게 도움을 요청할 때>
◈ I hope you can help. → I was hoping you could help (me).
    당신이 도울 수 있기를 바라요. → 도와주셨으면 해서요.

 *뒤에 따라오는 조동사도 과거로 일치해줍니다.
I was hoping you could ~
I was hoping you would ~
I was hoping you might ~
*fall apart 무너지다, 산산이 부서지다
Our plan to build the world's biggest snowman was starting to fall apart.
So I came up with a better idea for our snowball.(159p)

*come marching up 행진하듯 올라오다
*rumble 우르르[덜커덩]거리는 소리를 내다, 우르릉거리는 소리
*get down to+장소: 도착하다, 이동하다 
So I told Rowley to hurry up and get down to my house.(160p)
*piddly 사소한
*crumb 작은 것, 약간, 소량, (특히 빵) 부스러기
*left over 남은, 나머지
Manny trying to build a snowman out of the piddly crumbs snow that were left over from our snowball.(160p)

*pathetic [pəˈθetɪk] 불쌍한, 애처로운 (=pitiful), 한심한
It was actually kind of pathetic.(161p)
*I couldn't help~ing ~하지 않을 수 없었다
  =I couldn't help but+동사원형
+) I couldn't help overhearing.
  =I couldn't help but overhear. 
   엿들을 수 밖에 없었어.
I really couldn't help doing what I did next.(161p)
*right at the moment 바로 그때에, 그 찰나에, 바로 지금

*tear up (갈기갈기) 찢다, 파기하다
*be in for it 
-부정적인 상황이나 어려움에 처할 것임을 의미
+) We’d better hurry or we’ll be in for it.  
    우리가 서두르는 게 좋겠어. 안 그랬다간 골치 아플 거야.
I knew I was in for it.(162p) 
+) be in for (특히 불쾌한 일을) 어려움에 처할 것 같다
(구어) (험한 날씨, 달갑잖은 일 등에) 말려들것 같다, ~을 꼭 겪어야만하다
-어떤 일이 불리한 결과로 이어질 것임을 경고하거나 예상할 때 사용
I think we're in for a blizzard.(매직트리하우스 22-7/51p)  
What are we in for today?(매직트리하우스 14-1/2p) 

*get a kick out of ~이 썩 재미있다, ~을 즐기다
+) I get a kick out of driving fast cars.  
    나는 빠른 차를 모는 데서 쾌감을 느낀다.
+) I get a kick out of playing tennis. 
    나는 테니스 하는 것을 즐겨요.
+) You really get a kick out of your job. 
   넌 일을 정말 즐기고 있구나.
I thought he might actually get a kick out of what happened.(163p)
*shoving match 대치상황
*all-out 총력을 기울인, 전면적인
*ambush 매복했다가 습격하다
Right when it looked like we were going to get in an all-out fight, we got ambushed from the street.(163p)

*hit-and-run 뺑소니의, 기습적인
It was a hit-and-run by the Whirley Street kids.(164p)
*slot 자리, 구멍
*hog 독차지하다
*it all 전부, 모두
*it all to oneself 자기 혼자 전부(모두)를
This kid named Bryan Little has been hogging it all to himself.(164p)

*wacky 익살스러운, 괴짜의 
*dawg (구어) 개
*Wacky Dawg 얼렁뚱땅 멍멍이
*start off (어떤 일을) 시작하다
When it started off, it was actually pretty funny.(165p)
*axe 중단, 해고, 해고하다, 자르다
I guess that's why they gave him the axe.(165p)
As soon as I heard. the news, I knew I had to try out.(165p)
*get in on 참여하다, 가입하다
I wanted to get in on some of that kind of fame.(165p)
*honorable mention 감투상, 선외 가작상
*antismoking 금연

Luckily, no one ever found out.(166p)
*tick somebody off ~를 화나게[귀찮게]하다
What kind of ticks me off is that Chris smokes at least a pack of cigarettes a day.(166p)
What really ticks me off about that is that Rowley is right-handed.(142p)

1. 아는 만큼 들립니다. 오디오북을 신경써서 들어주세요. 


2. 게시물 숙제

Diary of a Wimpy Kid를 읽고 기억하고 싶은 문장, 단어나 구문 등을 골라 댓글로 올려주세요. 

3. 녹음 숙제

카톡 기능을 이용하여 5분간  원서를 읽거나 단어나 주요문장을 반복해서 소리내어 읽어주세요.


  1. 1. I’ve kind of slacked off ever since I became a Safety Patrol.
    2. We’ve missed of our window opportunity.
    3. Our snow ball was blocking her car in.
    4. I really couldn’t help doing what I did next.
    5. I knew I was in for it. ( be in for it : 어려움/부정적 상황에 처할 것)
    6. get a kick out of : ~을 즐기다
    7. I guess that’s why they gave him the axe.

  2. 1. I called Rowley and told him to come over.
    2. We've missed our window opportunity.
    3. So we got a little free labor out of her.
    4. So I came up with a better idea for our snowball.
    5. the snow was already starting to melt.
    6. It was actually kind of pathetic.
    7. I really couldn't help doing what I did next.
    8. I knew I was in for it.
    1. slack off게으름을 부리다
    2 psyched 흥분한, 들뜬
    3 have a shot at 해보다
    4 sod 잔디
    5 tear(tore) up 찢다
    6 fall a part 무너지다
    7 piddly 사소한
    8 crumb 작은것, 부스러기
    9 hogging 독차지하다
    10 axe 중단, 해고

  3. 1. We were supposed to have a test in pre-algebra and I’ve kind of slacked off ever since I became a Safety Patral.
    2.I was psyched.
    3.Manny trying to build a snowman out of the piddle crumbs of snow that were left over from our snowball.

    couldn’t help +ing ~하지않을수없다
    get down to 도착하다 이동하다
    shoving match 대치상황
    ambush 잠복
    hog 독차지하다

  4. slack 느슨한 부진한 slack off (~에) 게으름을 부리다[태만해지다]
    I've kind of slacked off ever since I became a Safety Patrol.
    I was psyched.
    We've missed our window of opportunity.
    if we wanted to have a shot at breaking of the record.
    grunt! wheeze! 끙끙거리다/ 쌕쌕거리다
    Manny trying to build a snowman out of the piddly crumbs snow that were left over from our snowball.
    pathetic 애처로운 불쌍한
    I really couldn't help doing what I did next.
    I really couldn't help but do what I did next.
    shove 거칠게 밀치다 shoving match 대치 상황
    we got in a shoving match.
    we were going to get in an all-out fight.
    hit-and-run 뺑소니의, 기습적인
    antismoking 금연

  5. 1. I’ve kind of slacked off ever since I became a Safety Patrol. So I was psyched.
    2. We got a little free labor out of her.
    3. It was actually kind of pathetic.
    4. I really couldn’t help doing what I did next.
    5. I knew I was in for it.
    6. I thought he might actually get a kick out of what happened.
    * slack off 느슨하게 하다
    * piddly 사소한
    * right at the moment 바로 그때에
    * be in for 어려움에 처할거 같다.
    * ambush 매복했다 습격하다.
    * it all to oneself 자기 혼자 모두를

  6. 1.I was psyched. 완전히 들떴다.
    2.window of opportunity 절호의 기회
    3.have(take) a shot at 명사 명사를 시도하다
    4. fall apart 산산히 부서지다
    5.piddly 사소한
    6. I really couldn't help doing what I did next. ~할 수 밖에 없었다
    7.I knew I was in for it.
    8.get a kick out of ~이 썩 재미있다.
    9.all- out 총력을 기울인
    I thought I was going to have to make a run for it.
    -be in for it : 부정적 어려움에 처할 것임

  7. 1. We were supposed to have a test in Pre-Algebra and I’ve kind of slacked off ever since I became a Safety Patrol.
    2. I was psyched.|
    3. Manny trying to build a snowman out of the piddling crumbs of snow that were left over from our snowball.

    pathetic 측은한
    turf 잔듸로덮다
    algebra 대수학
    ambush 잠복
    ticks me off 귀찮게하다

    1. Pre Algebra 기초수학
      Slack off 게으름을 부리다
      Psyched 들뜬, 흥분한
      Going for the record 기록을 갱신하다
      Have a shot at -을 시도해보다
      Window of opportunity 절호의 기회
      Piddly crumbs 작은, 부스러기
      Pathetic = pitiful
      Be in for it 부정적인 상황이나 어려움에 처할 것을 의미
      Get a Kick out of -이 썩 재밌다
      Shoving match 대치상황
      All out 총력을 기울인
      Anbushed 매복했다가 습격하다
      Hog 독차지하다
      Wacky 익살스러운
      Started off 시작하다
      Axe 중단, 해고, 중단하다, 해고하다
      Honorable mention 감투상

  8. 1 slack off
    3.window of opportunity
    4.have a shot at
    5.tear up sod
    8.hog all
    9.tick off

  9. 1. I was psyched.
    2. I was hoping it would snow a few more inches and cover up our tracks.
    3. I really couldn’t help doing what I did next.
    4. I knew I was in for it.
    5. I thought he might actually get a kick out of what happened.
    6. I wanted to get in on some of that kind of fame.
    * go for the record 기록을 갱신하다
    * window of opportunity 호기 절호의 기회
    * pathetic 불쌍한 애처고운
    * ambush 매복했다가 습격하다

  10. slack off 게으름을 부리다
    psyched 들뜬, 흥분한 
    I was hoping ~
    come marching up 행진하듯 올라오다
    piddly 사소한
    I couldn't help~ing ~하지 않을 수 없었다
      =I couldn't help but+동사원형
    pathetic 불쌍한, 애처로운
    hit-and-run 뺑소니의, 기습적인

  11. 1. Today it snowed for the first time this winter.
    2. Our goal is to get into the "Guinness Book of world Records".
    3. We've missed our window opportunity.
    4. I came up with a better idea for our snowball.
    5. I really couldn't help doing what I did next.
    6. I knew I was in for it.
    slack off 게으름 부리다, 느슨하다
    psyched 들뜬, 흥분한
    piddly 사소한
    crumb 부스러기
    pathetic 불쌍한, 한심한
    get a kick out of 재밌다, 즐기다
    shoving match 대치상황
    all-out fight 총력전
    ambush 매복습격
    hit-and-run 뺑소니
    slot 자리
    hog 독차지하다
    axe 중단, 해고

  12. 1. I've kind of slacked off ever since I became a Safety Patrol.
    2. I was psyched.
    3. window of opportunity 절호의 기회
    4. we wanted to have a shot at breaking the record.
    5. I was hoping it would snow a few more inches and cover up our tracks.
    6. I knew I was in for it.
    7. I wanted to get in on some of that kind of fame.
    8. What kind of ticks me off is~


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