영어리딩 Diary of a Wimpy Kid 윔피키드 Day 16


실생활에서 바로 쓸 수 있는 영어표현이 가득한 윔피키드, 재미있는 윔피키드 읽으며 영어회화 실력을 늘려봅니다. 
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 윔피키드 영어공부
Day 16(166-178p)

*get to work 일하러 가다, 일을 시작하다
*bang out  (원고 따위)를 단숨에 쓰다
We banged out a bunch of characters real quick.(167p)
*hit a wall 막다른 길에 다다르다, 벽에 부딪히다
When we tried to think our some jokes, we kind of hit a wall.(167p)
*pinch line (웃음을 유발하는) 결말, 포인트, (농담에서) 핵심이 되는 구절
*strip 만화(의 에피소드)
I made up a cartoon where the punch line of every strips is "Zoo-Wee Mama!"(167p)
*bog 늪, 수렁
*bog down 수렁에 빠지다, 꼼짝 못하게 하다
+) bog roll 화장지, 화장실용 두루마리 화장지 
That way we wouldn't get bogged down with having to write actual jokes, and we could concentrate on the pictures.(167p)

*step on 밟다, (발을) 디디다
Step on a crack.
I let him write a few of the strips.

*get sick of 지겨워지다, 질리다, 싫어지다, …에 염증이 나다
Eventually I got kind of sick of the "Zoo-Wee Mama" idea.(169p)
I'm getting sick of playing Formula One Racing with Rowley.(26p)
*take over ~을 넘겨주다, 물려주다, 인수하다
I pretty much let Rowley take over the whole operation.(169p)

*believe it or not 믿을 수 없겠지만
I told Rowley maybe we should come up with some new idea.(170p)
*pack up 짐을 싸다
Then he packed up his comics and went home, which was fine by me.(170p)
*partner up with ~와 협동하다, 파트너가 되다

*on a roll 순조롭게, 열중[몰두]하여, 계속 이기는
+) He has been on a roll lately.
    그는 최근에 정말 잘 나간다.
+) The team is on a roll.
    그 팀은 계속 승리 중이다.
I got on a roll.(171p) 일이 술술 풀렸다.

*bang out (원고 따위)를 단숨에 쓰다
I must've banged out twenty strips.(171p)
We banged out a bunch of characters real quick.(167p)
*break a sweat 열심히 땀을 흘리다, 노력하다
I didn't even break a sweat.(171p)
*run out of ~을 다 써버리다
I will NEVER run out of new material.(171p)

*turn something in ~을 제출하다
But when I turn my strips in, I saw that there was a pile of comics from other kids who were trying out for the job.(172p)
I wasn't too worried about the competition.(172p)
*smack (손바닥으로) 치다, 때리다

*detention (학생에 대한 벌로) 방과 후 남게 하기, 구금[구류]
Bill is always in detention.(174p)
*have a bone to pick with ~에게 따질 일이 있다, ~에게 불평이 있다, ~에게 할 말이 있다
I guess he has a bone to pick with just about every teacher in the school.(174p)
I guess there are a lot of guys who have a bone to pick with Patty Farrell.(100p)

*get in 당선[선출]되다, (대학 등의) 입학허가를 받다
I'm not too worried about the chances of Bill's comic getting in, either.(175p)

그 사람 직업이 좋은 건 아는데, 나는 별로야.
나름 괜찮은 직업, 뭐~ 나쁘진 않지~
엄청 좋은 건 아니지만 이만하면 괜찮다

*decent 준수한, 꽤 쓸만한, 나쁘지 않은
He has a decent job.
그 사람 직업이 나쁘진 않지.

+) My boyfriend doesn’t have any decent clothes.
   제 남자친구는 입을 만한 옷을 전혀 가지고 있지 않아.

+) 철수 cannot even make a decent sentence at English.
   철수는 나름 들어줄 만한 문장을 하나도 만들지 못해.

+)  Of course, Samsung and Apple phones have great cameras. But Xaomi ones are still decent. 물론, 삼성과 애플폰도 좋은 카메라가 있지만 샤오미 원 폰도 여전히 쓸만해.

*turn up 나타나다, 찾게되다
Hopefully, those ones won't turn up until I'm in high school.(175p)

*hope for ~을 바라다
I got the news I was hoping for.(176p)
*play it cool 냉정[침착]하게 대처하다
I decided to just play it cool for a while instead.(176p)

*autograph (유명인의) 사인
+) sign 서명하다(sign 사인은 콩글리쉬)
+) signature 법적 효력이 있는 서명(문서계약서의 사인, 서명 후 사인 등)
*get someone’s autograph ~의 사인을 받다
+) Let’s get her autograph! 사인받자! 
+) Did you get an autograph? 사인 받았니? 
There would be plenty of room for me to start signing autographs for my new fans.(177p)
*have a heart attack 심장마비를 일으키다
I practically had a heart attack.(177p)
I thought he just meant he fixed spelling mistakes and stuff like that. 
*butcher ~을 엉망진창으로 만들다
He totally butchered it.(177p) 

*anytime soon (부정문, 의문문에서) 곧
I'm pretty sure I won't be signing autographs anytime soon.(178p)
*teacher's pet 선생님의 편애를 받는 학생(비꼬는 투)

1.공부를 하고 오디오북을 들으면 훨씬 잘 들립니다. 반복해서 들으며 리스닝 실력을 향상시켜 봅니다.

2. 게시물 숙제
Diary of a Wimpy Kid를 읽고 기억하고 싶은 문장, 단어나 구문 등을 골라 댓글로 올려주세요. 

3. 녹음 숙제
카톡 기능을 이용하여 5분간  원서를 읽거나 단어나 주요문장을 반복해서 소리내어 읽어주세요.


  1. 1. After school today he came over to my house, and we got to work.
    2. We kind of hit a wall.
    3. I got on a roll.
    4. I wasn't too worried about the competition.
    5. I decided to just play it cool for a while instead.
    1 bang out (원고 따위를) 단숨에 쓰다
    2 strip 만화, 에피소드
    3 pinch line 결말, 포인트
    4 bog down 수렁에 빠지다, 꼼짝못하게 하다
    5 get sick 질리다
    6 take over 넘겨주다
    7 break sweat 열심히 땀흘리다
    8 run out of 다 써버리다
    9 turn ~in 제출하다
    10 trip 발을 헛디디다
    11 smack 손바닥으로 치다
    12 detention 구금, 방과후 나머지
    13 bone to pick with~ 따질 일이 있다
    14 decent 괜찮은, 품위있는
    15 butcher 엉망진창으로 만들다
    16 moron 바보, 멍청이

  2. 1. That way we wouldn’t get bogged down with having to write actual jokes, and we could concentrate on the pictures.
    2. Then he packed up his comics and went home, which was fine by me.
    3. I got on a roll. 일이 잘 풀리다.
    4. I didn’t even break a sweat. 노력하다
    (Walking the kids home was no sweat. 식은죽먹기)
    5. He totally butchered it.

  3. he came over to my house, and we got to work.
    we banged out a bunch of characters real quick.
    *bang out (원고 따위를) 단숨에 쓰다, 한방에 해결하다
    come up with solution 해답을 찾다
    when we tried to think up some jokes, we hit a wall.
    I finally came up with a good solution.
    *pinch line (웃음을 유발하는) 결말, 포인트
    *strip 만화(의 에피소드)
    *bog down 교착상태에 빠지다 ** bog 늪,수렁(boggy)
    Eventually I got kind of sick of the "Zoo-Wee Mama" idea.
    *get sick of 싫증이 나다
    *believe it or not 믿기지 않겠지만
    I don't want to be partnered up with him.
    I got on a roll.일이 순조롭게 되다
    I must've banged out twenty strips, I didn't even break a sweat.
    when I went to my strips in,~. * turn something in제출하다
    *have a bone to pick with ~에게 따질 일이 있다
    I guess he has a bone to pick with just about every teacher in the school.
    I got the news I was hoping for.
    I decided to just play it cool for a while instead.

  4. 1.I don’t really want to be partnered up with a kid who doesn’t draw noses anyway.
    2. I must’ve banged out twenty strips and I didn’t even break a sweat.
    3.I guess he has a bone to pick with just about every teacher in the school.

    banged out 단숨에쓰다
    punch line 핵심이되는
    bog down 수렁에빠지다
    have a bone to pick with ~에게따질일이있다
    minor edits 소소한편집

  5. 1. I finally came up with a good solution.
    2. I didn’t even break a sweat.
    3. I will never run out of new material.
    4. I got the news I was hoping for.
    5. I decided to just play it cool for a while instead.
    * get sick of 지겨워지다. 질리다
    * turn something in ~을 제출하다
    * break a sweat 열심히 땀을 흘리다
    * have a bone to pick with ~에게 따질일이 있다
    * turn up 나타나다. 찾게 되다

  6. 작성자가 댓글을 삭제했습니다.

    1. 1. banged out 원고를 단숨에 쓰다
      2. hit a wall 막다른길에 다다르다
      3. get bogged down 늪에 빠지다
      4. operation 수술 작전 기업사업체
      5. I got on a roll. 일이 술술 풀렸다
      6. have a bone to pick with someone ~에게 따질일이있다
      7. turn in 제출하다/ turn up 나타나다 찾게되다
      8. butcher ~을 엉망진창으로 만들다 // He totally butchered it.
      9. anytime soon. 부정문에서 곧

  7. 1. We banged out a bunch of characters real quick.
    2. I finally came up with a good solution.
    3. I let him write a few of the strips.
    4. I told Rowely maybe we should come up with some new idea.
    5. I got on a roll.
    6. I didn't even break a sweat.
    7. I will never run out of new material.
    butcher 엉망진창
    autograph 사인을 받다
    minor edits 소소한 편집
    decent 꽤 쓸모있는, 준수한, 나쁘지 않은
    detention 방과후 나머지, 구금
    bone to pick with~ 에게 따질 일이 있다
    turn~in ~에게 제출하다
    break sweat 열심히 땀흘리다, 노력하다
    hit a wall 벽에 부딪히다
    strip 만화 에피소드
    punch line 결말 포인트
    bogged down 수렁에 빠지다

  8. bang out 원고를 단숨에 쓰다
    hit the wall 막다른 길에 다다르다
    punch line of 결말, 포인트
    bog downㅜ수령에 빠지다
    take over 넘겨주다
    I get on a roll 일이 술술 풀리다
    break a sweat 열심히 땀을 흘리다
    turn in 제출하다
    run out of ~을 다 써버리다
    detention 구금
    has a bone to pick with ~에게 따질일이 있다
    get in 당선되다
    turn up나타나다
    anytime soon 곧
    butcher 엉망진창으로 만들다

  9. 1. That way we would’ve get bogged down with having to write actual jokes, and we could concentrate on the pictures.
    2. I wasn’t too worried about the competition.
    3. Bill is always in detention, so I guess he has a bone to pick with just about every teacher in the school.

    decent 질또는 수준이 괜찮은
    minor edits 소소한편집
    autographs 유명인
    on a roll 순조롭게 몰두하다
    hit a wall 막다른길에 다다르다

  10. 1. I let him write a few of the strips.
    2. I got on a roll.
    3. I didn’t even break a sweat.
    4. I wasn’t too worried about the competition.
    5. Bill is always in detention.
    6. I got the news I was hoping for.
    * break a sweet 열심히 땀을 흘리다.
    * turn something in ~ 을 제출하다.
    * play it cool 냉정하게 대처하다
    * butcher ~을 엉망진창으로 만들다.

  11. 1. We banged out a bunch of characters real quick
    2. Eventually I got kind of sick of the " Zoo-Wee Mama"
    3. I got on a roll.
    4. When I went to turn my strips in,~
    5. I guess he has a bone to pick with just about every teacher in the scool.
    6. There were actually one or two decent comics in the bin.
    7. play it cool 냉정하게 대처하다
    8. He totally butchered it.


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