영어원서 매직북클럽 Diary of a Wimpy Kid 윔피키드 Day 17

윔피키드는 뉴욕 타임스 500주간동안 베스트셀러로 태어나서 꼭 한번 읽어야 할 책 100(아마존 선정) 불리는 책입니다. 9월 매직북클럽에서 만난 윔피키드로 Greg의 열렬한 팬이 되었습니다. 한번 빠지면 헤어나올 수 없는 마성의 일기장, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, 오늘은 또 어떤 이야기가 기다리고 있을지 궁금합니다. 

Diary of a Wimpy Kid 윔피키드 영어공부
Day 17(179-188p)


*shaken up 충격받은, 겁먹은 = be shocked = be frightened 
-to upset by or as if by a physical jolt or shock: was badly shaken up by the accident
I’m a bit shaken up.(매직트리하우스 24-6/42p)
+) You look really shaken up! 
    너 정말 많이 놀란 모양이구나!
+) She was badly shaken up by the news. 
    그녀는 그 소식을 듣고 몹시 동요했다.
He looked pretty shaken up.(179p)

*disrespect 무례, 결례 
*disrespected the badge 순찰대 배지에 먹칠하는
I think I might just know what this is all about.(180p)
*take a quiz 시험을 치다, 테스트를 받다
*worm 벌레/ 워rㅁ
It had rained that morning, and there were a lot of worms on the sidewalk.(180p)
*have fun 재미있게 놀다
I decided to have some fun with the kids.(180p)

*yell at ~에게 호통치다, 고함치다
She must have thought I was Rowley. 
*borrow 빌리다, 빌려오다
-내 쪽으로 물건이 오는 것(비용발생하지 않음, 그렇지만 돌려줘야 함)
+) Can I borrow a pen? 펜 좀 빌려줄래? 
+) Can I borrow your car? 차 좀 빌려줄 수 있어? 
*correct 바로잡다
I wasn't about to correct her, either.(181p)
The principal is going to hear about THIS!(181p)
*incident 일, 사건
*suspend 유예[중단]시키다

*set the record straight 오해를 바로잡다
=correct a misunderstanding
I wasn't ready to set the record straight just yet.(182p)
*for the time being 당분간
+) John will take over for the time being.
     당분간 그 일은 John이 맡아서 할 거예요.
+) I’ll be working from home just for the time being.
    당분간만 재택근무 할거예요.
And that right there was enough to make me keep quiet for the time being.(182p)
*give sb credit for 공로를 인정하다, ...에게 ~한 자질이 있음을 인정하다 
I got to give Mom credit for how she handled it.(182p)
*pry [praɪ] (남의 사생활을) 캐다[캐묻다], 엿보다, 파고들다
+) I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.
    미안해요. 캐물으려던 건 아니었어요.
+) They have no right to pry into your life.
    그 사람들에게는 선생님의 사생활을 꼬치꼬치 캘 권리가 없죠.
She didn't try to pry and get all the details.(182p)

*decent advice 적절한[괜찮은] 조언
I figure that's pretty decent advice.(183p)
*be[stay] up all night 온 밤을 꼬박 지새우다
*toss and turn (잠이 들지 못하고) 뒤척이다
Well, I was up all night tossing and turning over this Rowley situation, but I finally made up my mind.(183p)
*come clean 실토하다, 자백하다, (사실을) 털어놓다
+) You lied to me! Come clean! 
     네가 거짓말했지! 실토해라!
I came clean with Rowley and told him the whole truth about what happened.(183p)

*get through (to somebody) (~에게) 가 닿다[전달되다], 연락이 닿다
+) How did you get through to him?
    그를 어떻게 이해시켰어요?
To be honest with you, my message didn't seem to be getting through to Rowley.(184p) 

I can’t wait to get home. =I can’t wait to go home.

어서 집에 가고 싶어.

▶get home이 더 자연스러운 이유

목적이 있을 경우 get home이 훨씬 자연스럽게 들림

도착에 포커스가 맞춰져 있음(도착, 목적지에 도착)

go home은 중성적으로 들리는 느낌, 무미건조(자리를 나서다, 뜨다)

+) How can I get to the station?
여기서 역삼역 어떻게 가요?

*take a nap 낮잠을 자다
I couldn't really blame him.(184p)

Did you do the right thing?
*(every) once in a while 가끔(이따금), 때때로
*listen to 전부 신경써서 듣다
It's not such a bad idea to listen to your mother.(185p)

I kind of figured this one was coming.(186p)
*report to ...로 출두하다, ...에게 보고하다, ...에 신고하다
*busted (못된 짓을 하다가) 걸린, 곤란한, 들통난
*get busted (주로 부정적인 일을 하다) 발각되다, 적발되다
I knew it was just a matter of time before I got busted for what happened last week.(186p)
*anonymous source 익명의 제보자
*culprit 범인, (문제를 일으킨) 장본인
*relieved 면제되다, 해방되다
*be relieved of one's post 해임[해직]되다
Then he told me I was relived of my Safety Patrol duties "effective immediately."(186p)

*backstab 모함하다, 뒷통수치다, 험담하다
+) I don't lie, cheat or backstab.
    저는 거짓말하거나, 속이거나, 험담하지 않아요.
I can't believe Rowley went and backstabbed me like that.(187p)
*chew out ~를 호되게 꾸짖다, 야단치다
*loyalty 의리, 충성심
While I was sitting there getting chewed out by Mr. Winsky, I was thinking, I need to remember to give my friend a lecture about loyalty.(187p)
She took the music player away from me and started chewing us out.(34p)
Dad walked down to the basement to chew Rodrick out, and I tagged along.(12p)
*later on 나중에, 후에
*reinstate (직장·직책 등에) 복귀시키다, (원위치·상태로) 회복시키다 
Later on today, Rowley got reinstated as a Patrol.(187p)
*promotion 승진, 진급
*get a promotion 승진하다, 진급하다
He actually got a PROMOTION.(187p)
*exhibit 보이다, 드러내다, 전시하다/ 익-z재-빝
*dignity 위엄, 품위, 자기 존중감, 존엄
*suspicion 의심, 의혹, 혐의
Mr. Winsky said Rowley had "exhibited dignity under false suspicion."(187p)

*rat somebody out 밀고하다, 변절하여 배신하다, 버리고 도망가다
I thought about really letting Rowley have it for ratting me out like that, but then I realized something.(188p)
*get to ~할 수 있다, 허락되다
-긍정적인 기회나 선택권을 강조하며, 어떤 일이 가능함을 의미
+) I get to go on vacation next week!
    나는 다음 주에 휴가를 떠날 수 있다!
+) She gets to choose which movie we watch.
    그녀는 우리가 어떤 영화를 볼지 선택할 수 있다.
*take along 데리고 가다
They get to take along one friend.(188p)
*kick off ~을 시작하다
+) Let’s go ahead and kick off. 
    우리 시작합시다.
+) Mike, do you want to kick off? 
    마이크, 먼저 말씀하실래요?
Like I said before, the worst part of getting kicked off Safety Patrol is losing your hot chocolate.(188p)
*hook up 만나다, 연결되다
Every morning, I go to the back door of the cafeteria so Rowley can hook me up.(188p)

1.공부를 하고 오디오북을 들으면 훨씬 잘 들립니다. 반복해서 들으며 리스닝 실력을 향상시켜 봅니다.

2. 게시물 숙제
Diary of a Wimpy Kid를 읽고 기억하고 싶은 문장, 단어나 구문 등을 골라 댓글로 올려주세요. 

3. 녹음 숙제
카톡 기능을 이용하여 5분간  원서를 읽거나 단어나 주요문장을 반복해서 소리내어 읽어주세요.


  1. 1. He’s suspended from Patrols for a week. (be suspended : 정지,정학 당하다)
    2. I got to give Mom credit for how she handle it. (get sb credit for : ~가 ~한 자격이 있음을 인정하다)
    3. I wasn’t ready to set the record straight just yet.
    4. I decided the right thing to do was to just let Rowely take one for the team this time around.
    (take one for the team)
    5. I can’t believe Rowley went and backstabbed me like that.
    6. I thougt about really letting Rowley have it for ratting me out like that, but Then I realized something. ( rat out : 밀고하다. 남을 배신한다. )

    1. *All she said was that I should try to do the "right thing", because it's our choices that make us who we are.
      *I was up all night tossing and turning over this Rowley situation, but finally made up my mind.
      *I knew it was just a matter of the time.

  2. 1. All she said was that I should try to do the “right thing”, because it’s our choices that make us who we are.
    2. Mom took me out to get some ice cream as a special treat.
    3. What this whole episode has taught me is that every once in a while, it’s not such a bad idea to listen to your mother.

  3. 1. I wasn’t ready to set the record straight just yet.
    2. I was up all night tossing and turning over this Rowley situation.
    3. I guess this has been learning experience for both of us.

    privileges 특혜
    Incident 사건
    decent advice 조언
    toss and turn 뒤척이다
    backstab 모함하다

  4. He looked pretty shaken up.
    * shaken up 겁 먹은 놀란
    *disrespected the badge 순찰대 배지에 먹칠하는
    *set the record straight 오해를 바로잡다
    I wasn't ready to set the record straight just yet.나는 아직 이실직고할 준비가 안되어있어
    She didn't try to pry and get all the details.
    *pry (남의 사생활을) 캐다[캐묻다]
    I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry. 캐물으려 한건 아니야
    *toss and turn (잠이 들지 못하고) 뒤척이다
    Well, I was up all night tossing and turning over this Rowley situation, but I finally made up my mind.
    I toss and turn in sleep. 잘때 많이 뒤척여요
    *anonymous source 익명의 제보자
    *culprit 범인, (문제를 일으킨) 장본인=criminal, suspect

  5. 1. He looked pretty shaken up.
    2. I know I might just know what this is all about.
    3. I wasn't ready to set the record straight just yet.
    4. She didn't try to pry and get all the details.
    5. I couldn't really blame him.
    1 apparently 분명히, 보기에
    2 terrorize 공포에 떨게하다
    3 disrespect 무례, 결례, 먹칠하는
    4 incident 사건, 일
    5 suspend 유예(중단)시키다
    6 for the time being 당분간
    7 pry 캐다, 엿보다
    8 decent 괜찮은
    9 toss and turn 뒤척이다
    10 come clean 실토하다
    11 get through 전달되다, 연락이 닿다
    12 busted 걸린, 들통난
    13 anoymous source 익명의 제보자
    14 releaved 면제되다, 해방되다

  6. 1. He looked pretty shaken up.
    2. I think I might just know what this is all about.
    3. I got to give Mom credit for how she handled it.
    4. I figure that’s pretty decent advice.
    5. I couldn’t really blame him.
    6. I kind of figured this one was coming.
    7. I got busted for what happened last week.
    * pry 엿보다 파고들다
    * for the time being 당분간
    * decent advice 적절한 조언
    * toss and turn 뒤척이다
    * reinstate 복귀시키다

  7. shaken up 충격받은
    terrorizing 공포에 떨게 만들다
    set the record straight 오해를 바로잡다
    for the time being 당분간
    tossing and turning 뒤척이다
    pry 캐다
    come clean 자백하다
    every once in a while 가끔, 때때로
    report to 급 출두하다
    get busted 발각되다. 적발되다
    anonymous source 익명의 제보
    culprit 범인
    backstab 뒷통수를 치다
    reinstate 회복시키다
    rat somebody out 밀고하다

  8. 1. I decided to have some fun with the kids.
    2. I got to give Mom to credit for how she handled it.
    3. I figure that's pretty decent advice.
    4. I wasn't ready to set the record straight just yet.
    5. Mom could tell something was bothering me.
    shaken up 충격받은, 겁먹은
    apparently 보아하니, 듣자하니
    terrorizing 공포에 떨게하는
    disrespect 무례, 결례
    incident 사건, 일
    suspend 유예, 중단
    privileges 특권
    come clean 자백하다
    get busted for~ 발각되다
    anonymous source 익명의 제보자
    culprit 범인
    relieve 면제되다
    detective 형사
    back stabbed 뒤통수를 치다
    lecture 설교, 강의
    reinstate 복귀하다
    exhibit 드러내다, 보이다
    dignity 품위
    suspicion 의심, 의혹, 혐의
    ratting~out 밀고하다

  9. 1.shaken up:. 충격을 받은
    2. I wasn't ready to set the record straight just yet.
    3.for the time being
    5. I came clean with
    6.get busted
    7.chew out
    8.reinstated as
    10.they get to take along one friend.

  10. *shaken up 충격받은, 겁먹은
    *set the record straight 오해를 바로잡다
    *for the time being 당분간
    *give sb credit for 공로를 인정하다, ...에게 ~한 자질이 있음을 인정하다
    *be[stay] up all night 온 밤을 꼬박 지새우다
    *toss and turn (잠이 들지 못하고) 뒤척이다
    *come clean 실토하다, 자백하다, (사실을) 털어놓다
    *culprit 범인, (문제를 일으킨) 장본인
    *chew out ~를 호되게 꾸짖다, 야단치다
    *reinstate (직장·직책 등에) 복귀시키다, (원위치·상태로) 회복시키다
    *dignity 위엄, 품위, 자기 존중감, 존엄
    *suspicion 의심, 의혹, 혐의
    *take along 데리고 가다
    *kick off ~을 시작하다
    *hook up 만나다, 연결되다

  11. 1. I wasn’t ready to set the record straight just yet.
    2. I was up all night tossing and turning over this Rowley situation.
    3. I wouldn’t have had much energy

    get through 연락이닿다
    privilege 특혜
    decent advice 조언
    toss and turn 뒤척이다
    come clean 자백하다

  12. 1. He looked pretty shaken up.
    2. I think I might just know what this is all about.
    3. She didn’t try to pry and get all the details.
    4. It’s not such a bad idea to listen to your mother.
    5. He actually got a promotion.
    6. They get to take along one friend.
    * terrorize 공초에 떨게 하다
    * disrespect 무례
    * incident 일 사건
    * decent advice 적절한 조언
    * get busted 발각되다 적발되다

  13. 1. He looked pretty shaken up.
    2. terrorize 공포에 떨게하다
    3. desrespecte 무례 결례
    4. Mom could tell something was bothering me.
    5. I came clean with Rowley and told him.
    6. I got busted for what happened last week.
    7. I was releived of my Safety Patrol duties" effective immediately"
    8. Rowley got reinstated as a Patrol.
    9. rat me out 밀고하다
    10. They get to take along one friend.


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