매직북클럽 Diary of a Wimpy Kid 윔피키드 Day 18

실생활에서 사용되는 표현과 상황들이 가득한 윔피키드를 읽으면 마치 재미있는 미드 한 편을 보는 것과 같습니다. 한번 빠지면 헤어나올 수 없는 마성의 일기장, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, 오늘은 또 어떤 이야기가 기다리고 있을지 궁금합니다. 

Diary of a Wimpy Kid 윔피키드 영어공부
Day 18(189-198p)

*either A or B: A이거나 B(B에 수일치 )
+) Either O or X. 맞으면 O 틀리면 X죠.
*go[become] deaf 귀가 먹다
*kiss (a person) ass(/butt) 아첨하다, 알랑거리다
But either my friend has gone deaf or he's too busy kissing the other officers' butts to notice me at the window.(189p)
*give sb cold should ~을 차갑게 대하다, 냉대하다
Rowley has been TOTALLY giving me the cold shoulder lately.(189p)
*break the ice 서먹서먹한 분위기를 깨다
I tried to break the ice with him today, anyway.(189p)

*stink 불쾌하다, 실망스럽다, 악취가 풍기다, 수상쩍다
*backup 예비, 대체, 지원, 백업(파일)
What really stinks is that Collin is supposed to be MY backup friend.(190p) 진짜 짜증나는 건, 혹시 몰라서 내가 예비친구로 찜해둔 애가 바로 콜린이라는 사실이다.
*chum 친구
After dinner tonight, I saw Rowley and Collin walking up the hill together, chumming it up.(191p)

*at 콕 짚어서 누구, 어디
-딱 그것을 가리키는 느낌/ 자극을 받고 반응을 보이는 관계 
*get back at 복수하다
+) I’ll get back at him. 복수할거야. 
-get back에 콕 짚어서 at이 하나 붙으면 '복수하다' 의미로 바뀌어 버려요. 
The best way to get back at Rowley was to get a new best friend of my own.(191p)
*come to ~에 이르다, ~에 도달하다
-to reach a particular state
*come to mind 생각이 떠오르다
But unfortunately, the only person who came to mind right at that moment was Fregley.(191p)
*stab (뾰족한 것을) 찌르다
That's when I started to think maybe this wasn't the best idea after all.(191p)

I knew there was no turning back.(192p)
I invited myself into Fregley's house.(192p)
*enthusiastic 열렬한, 열광적인
His mom said she was excited to see Fregley with a "playmate," which was a term I was not too enthusiastic about.(192p)
▶ try ~ing 재미삼아, 그냥 시도해보다
완전히 다른 뉘앙스 

try ~ing 재미삼아, 그냥 시도해보다
try to do something ~을 하기 위해 최선을 다해 노력하다, 제대로 한번 해보자 하는 느낌

+) I tried learning French to impress women but that didn't work. 

     여자들에게 관심 좀 끌려고 불어를 배웠는데 (그냥 해보다) 딱히 효과는 없었어.

+) I tried to learn French but I couldn't even get the pronunciation right. 

     나 불어를 (열심히, 진지하게) 공부했는데 제대로 된 발음도 못하겠어. 


Fregley tried to get me play Twister with him, so I made sure I stayed ten feet away from him at all times. 
+) I tried to learn French but I couldn't even get the pronunciation right. 
*pull the plug on 중단시키다, ~에서 손을 떼다, 끝장나게 만들다
+) Any chance you can pull the plug on that?
    혹시 너 그 플러그 좀 뽑을 수 있어?
+) It's time to pull the plug on the licence fee. 
    라이센스 수수료를 철회해야 할 때이다
+) You think there's a way to pull the plug on this? 
    이것에서 손을 뗄 수 있는 방법이 있다고 생각하세요?
I decided that I should just pull the plug on this stupid idea and go home.(192p)

*get out of hand 감당할 수 없게 되다,
+) The fighting is getting out of hand.
    싸움이 감당(통제 불능)할 수 없게 되어가고 있어. 
+) It's getting out of hand. 
    걷잡을 수 없게 되어가고 있어.  
But things started to get out of hand with Fregley pretty quickly.(193p)
*break into 갑자기 ~하기 시작하다, 침입하다
Fregley broke into my backpack and ate the whole bag of jelly beans I had in there.(193p)
*off the wall 별난, 재미있게 특이한, 약간 미친듯한, 제정신이 아닌 듯한
*bounce off the walls 몹시 흥분[긴장]해 있다, 착란[광란] 상태에 있다
+) The sugar makes them bounce off the walls. 
    단것만 먹으면 애들이 난리를 쳐서요.
He was bouncing off the walls.(193p)
*maniac [ˈmeɪniæk] 미치광이
Fregley started acting like a total maniac.(193p)

*slip (재빨리, 슬며시) 놓다, 넣다
That's when Fregley slipped a piece of paper under the door.(194p)
*booger 코딱지
Here, I put it on this paper so you can get me back.
네가 나한테 복수할 수 있게 여기에 코딱지 붙여놨어.

*black out (잠시) 의식을 잃다
That's the last thing I remember before I blacked out.(195p)
*come to one's sense (기절했다가) 정신을 차리다, 제정신이 들다 
I came to my sense a few hours later.(195p)
*could care less (...에 대해) 신경쓰지 않다, 관심이 없다
-어느 정도 관심을 갖지만 별로 신경쓰지 않음
+) My husband could care less about me. 
    우리 남편은 나에게 무관심해.
+) I could care less if they are gay. 
    그들이 게이라도 상관 없다.
By that point, I could really care less.(195p)
하지만 그 순간, 난 그런 걸 신경 쓸 정신이 아니었다.
+) I couldn't care less. 내가 알게 뭐야./ 난 1도 신경 안 써.
- 전혀 관심이나 관심이 없다, 완전 무관심

*be better off (마음이나 처지가) 더 좋은(나은)
I'm better off without him.(196p)
*dead weight 무거운 짐, 부담, 중압
*go through ~을 살펴보다, 조사하다
Lately I've been hanging out in Rodrick's room after school and going through his stuff.(196p)
*yearbook 졸업앨범

*town 도시, 읍, 시내, 번화가/ 탸아운
Every once in a while, I see Rodrick's old classmates around town.(197p)
*interesting 인-츄r뢔-스팅
*Class Favorites 반별 인기투표
*Most Popular 인기짱
*Most Talented 재능짱

*nerd 멍청하고 따분한 사람, 컴퓨터만 아는 괴짜
*gear 기어, 장치
*get one's gears turning 무언가 아이디어, 문제해결 등을 떠오르게 함
This Class Favorites thing has really got my gears turning.(198p)
*immortal [ɪˈmɔːrtl] 죽지않는, 불멸의
You're practically an immortal.(198p)
그 사람은 영원히 기억된다.
*permanent 영구적인
*drop out of ~에서 중도하차하다
Even though he ended up dropping out of high school.(198p)

1.공부를 하고 오디오북을 들으면 훨씬 잘 들립니다. 반복해서 들으며 리스닝 실력을 향상시켜 봅니다.

2. 게시물 숙제
Diary of a Wimpy Kid를 읽고 기억하고 싶은 문장, 단어나 구문 등을 골라 댓글로 올려주세요. 

3. 녹음 숙제
카톡 기능을 이용하여 5분간  원서를 읽거나 단어나 주요문장을 반복해서 소리내어 읽어주세요.


  1. 1. Rowley has been totally giving me the cold shoulder lately.
    2. Two can play at that game. 그렇게 나온다면 이쪽도 수가 있지.
    3. I should just pull the plug on this stupid idea and go home.
    4. But things started to get out of hand with Fregley pretty quickly.
    5. He was bouncing off the walls.
    6. I came to my senses a few hours later.
    7. By that point, I could really care less. 하지만 그 순간엔, 난 신경쓰지 않았다.
    8. I'm better off without him.
    9. Even though he ended up dropping out of high school.
    비록 결국 고등학교를 중퇴했어도 말이다.

    1. matching T-shirts 커플티
      just about 거의
      bouncing off the wall 몹시 흥분해 있다. (off the wall: 약간 미친듯한)
      come to my senses 제정신이 들다
      be better off 더 나은
      dead weight 중압감 부담 중압

  2. 1.but either my friend has gone deaf or he's too busy kissing the other officers butts
    2.get back at
    3.pulls the plug on (중단시키다)
    4.get out of hand:감당할 수 없게 되다.

  3. 1. Rowley has been totally giving me the cold shoulder lately.
    2. What really stinks is that collins is supposed to be my back up friend.
    3. I’m better off without him.

  4. 1. Rowley has been totally giving me the cold shoulder lately.
    2. It was not too enthusiastic about.
    3. I should just pull the plug on this stupid idea and go home.

    get out of hand 감당할수없게되다
    enthusiastic 열렬한
    maniac 미치광이
    stink 불쾌하다
    chum 친구

  5. *give sb cold shoulder ~을 차갑게 대하다
    He has been TOTALLY giving me the cold shoulder lately.
    She gave the cold shoulder to me. 그녀는 나를 냉정하게 대했다
    *break the ice 서먹서먹한 분위기를 깨다
    I tried to break the ice with him today, anyway.
    What really stinks is that Collin is supposed to be MY backup friend.
    *yearbook 졸업앨범
    *pull the plug on 중단시키다
    I decided that I should just pull the plug on this stupid idea

  6. 1. I started think maybe this wasn't the best idea after all.
    2.I invited myself into Fregley's house.
    3. But things started to get out of hand with Fregley pretty quickly.
    4. He was bouncing off the walls.
    5. But that point, I could really careless.
    1 stink 불쾌하다, 실망스럽다, 악취가풍기다
    2 chum 친구
    3 vomit 구토하다
    4 enthusiastic 열광하는
    5 break into 갑자기 ~하기 시작하다
    6 manic 미치광이
    7 booger 코딱지
    8 black out 의식을 잃다
    9 yearbooks 졸업앨범
    10 go through 살펴보다
    11 nerd 멍청하고 따분한 사람
    12 immortal 죽지않는, 불멸의
    13 drop out of 중도하차하다

  7. 1. I tried to break the ice with him today, anyway.
    2. He was bouncing off the walls.
    3. By that point, I couldn’t really care less.
    4. I’m better off without him.
    5. Even though he ended up dropping out of high school.
    * enthusiastic 열렬한 열광적인
    * go deaf 귀가 먹다
    * get back at 복수하다
    * bounce off the walls 몹시 흥분해 있다
    * maniac 미치광이
    * come to one’s sense 정신을 차리다
    * could care less 신경쓰지 않다
    * immortal 죽지않는 불멸의

  8. kiss butt 아첨하다
    break the ice 서먹한 분위기를 깨다
    chum 친구
    get back 복수하다
    pull the plug on 중단시키다
    get out of hand 감당할 수 없게되다
    break into 침입하다
    bounce off the wall 몹시 흥분해 있다
    maniac 미치광이
    black out 잠시 정신을 잃다
    come to one's sense 제정신이 돌아오다
    go through 살펴보다, 조사하다
    get one's gear turning 무언가 아이디어
    drop out of 중도하차 하다

  9. *either A or B: A이거나 B
    *go[become] deaf 귀가 먹다
    *kiss (a person) ass(/butt) 아첨하다, 알랑거리다
    *give sb cold should ~을 차갑게 대하다, 냉대하다
    *break the ice 서먹서먹한 분위기를 깨다
    *stink 불쾌하다, 실망스럽다, 악취가 풍기다, 수상쩍다
    *backup 예비, 대체, 지원, 백업(파일)
    *get back at 복수하다
    *come to mind 생각이 떠오르다
    *stab (뾰족한 것을) 찌르다
    *enthusiastic 열렬한, 열광적인
    try ~ing 재미삼아, 그냥 시도해보다
    try to do something ~을 하기 위해 최선을 다해 노력하다, 제대로 한번 해보자 하는 느낌
    *get out of hand 감당할 수 없게 되다, 과도해지다
    *black out (잠시) 의식을 잃다

    *come to one's sense (기절했다가) 정신을 차리다, 제정신이 들다

    *could care less (...에 대해) 신경쓰지 않다, 관심이 없다

  10. 1. I tried to break the ice with him today, anyway.
    2. That’s when I started to think maybe this wasn’t the best idea after all.
    3. I knew there was no turning back.
    4. I invited myself into Fregley’s house.
    5. He was bouncing off the walls.
    6. That’s the last thing I remember before I blacked out.
    * chum 친구
    * stab 찌르다
    * get out of hand 감당할수 없게 되다
    * off the wall 별난 재미있게
    * come to ine’s sense 정신을 차리다
    * immortal 죽지않는 불멸의

  11. 1. He was bouncing off the walls.
    2. That's the last thing I remember before i blacked out.
    3. But by that point, I really care less.
    4. You're practically an immortal.
    every once in a while 때로는, 가끔
    yearbook 졸업앨범
    go through 조사하다
    booger 코딱지
    get out of hand 감당할 수 없게 되다
    break into 갑자기~하기 시작하다
    dead weight 부담
    stab 찌르다
    stink 불쾌
    chump 친구
    vomit 구토
    lame 어설픈
    kiss~butt 아첨하다

  12. 1. Rowley has been totally giving me the cold shoulder lately.
    2. I was not too enthusiastic about,
    3. Fregley started acting like a total maniac and he chased me all around his upstairs.

    enthusiastic 열광적인
    pull the plug on 중단시키다
    chum 친구
    immortal 불멸의
    bust 실패작


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