매직북클럽 영어원서 Diary of a Wimpy Kid 윔피키드 Day 5
태어나서 꼭 한번 읽어야 할 책 100 - 아마존 선정
한번 빠지면 헤어 나올 수 없는 Diary of a Wimpy Kid 윔피키드의 세계로 풍덩 들어가 봅니다. 영어를 가장 자연스럽게 배울 수 있는 방법이 영어원서를 읽는 거라고 합니다. Diary of a Wimpy Kid는 실생활에서 사용할 수 있는 구어체 문장이 많은 만큼 구동사에 집중하고 매일 일정 분량을 읽으면서 외우고 싶은 문장을 고르고, 영어를 써야 하는 상황에서 꼭 사용해 볼 수 있도록 해 봅니다.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 윔피키드 영어공부
Day 5(42-53p)
*be grounded 외출금지 당하다
I'm still grounded from playing video games, so Manny has been using my system.(43p)
He told me I was grounded from playing video games for two weeks, which is about what I expected.(38p)
*a whole bunch of 많은
Mom went out and bought a whole bunch of educational video games.
*get past 통과시키다
*that's all 그것으로 끝, 그뿐이다
I just put one of my discs in Manny's "Discovering the Alphabet" case, and that's all it takes.(43p)
I'm still grounded from playing video games, so Manny has been using my system.(43p)
He told me I was grounded from playing video games for two weeks, which is about what I expected.(38p)
*a whole bunch of 많은
Mom went out and bought a whole bunch of educational video games.
*get past 통과시키다
*that's all 그것으로 끝, 그뿐이다
I just put one of my discs in Manny's "Discovering the Alphabet" case, and that's all it takes.(43p)
*have interest in ~에 관심을 두다
I've never had any interest in student government.
Let me see what I can do.
*intergrity 진실성
*jock 운동많이 하는 남자들 (=cool kids)
Can't help you with that.
*big ticket 고가의, 가치있는
Nobody ever thinks about running for Treasurer, because all anyone ever cares about are the big ticket positions like President and Vice President.
*for the take 손에 쥐기만 하면, 마음대로, 무료로
Treasurer job is pretty much mine for the taking.
*run for ~에 입후보하다
So this might not be as easy as I thought.(45p)
*secretary 총무, 서기
Let's just hope these posters work.(46p)
*I have to say 내가 봤을 때는, 아무래도, 이 말은 꼭 해야겠는데
칭찬이나 긍정적인 말을 강조해주는 I have to say
I have to say, they came out pretty good.(47p)
칭찬이나 긍정적인 말을 강조해주는 I have to say
I have to say, they came out pretty good.(47p)
*get in 도착하다
*spot 발견하다, 알아채다, 얼룩, 반점
*fabrication 꾸며낸 것, 위조, 거짓말
Mr. Roy said you weren't allowed to write "fabrications" about the other candidates.
*take down 구조물을 해체하여 치우다
*hand out 나눠주다
*buy a vote 유권자를 매수하다, 돈으로 표를 얻다
Marty Porter was going around handing out lollipops to buy himself votes while my posters were sitting at the bottom of Mr. Roy's trash can.
*be over 끝나다
I guess this means my political career is officially over.(48p)
Well, the first week of school is finally over, so today I slept in.(16p)
*trick or treat 과자를 안주면 장난칠 거예요(할로윈때 아이들이 집집마다 다니며 하는 깜찍한 협박)
*hand out 나눠주다
Halloween is Dad's favorite holiday, too, but for a different reason.
On Halloween night, while all the other parents are handing out candy, Dad is hiding in the bushes with a big trash can full of water.(49p)
1) for (연휴 등 for the holiday )을 맞아서- 앞 뒤 4-5일이 다 포함
2) on (추석, 크리스마스 등 on Christmas/ on Christmas day) 당일에
3) over 연휴내내, ~기간에 걸쳐서(over the holiday/ over the weekend)
4) during ~기간 중에 한 특정한 일(예, 추석 연휴 중 부모님 방문)
1) for (연휴 등)을 맞아서 - 앞 뒤 4-5일이 다 포함
+) What is your plan for the holiday?
이번 연휴 기간에 너의 계획은 뭐냐?
2) on 당일에 - 특정 하루만을 가리켜서 콕 집어서 말할 때
+) What did you do on Christmas day?
크리스마스에 뭐했어?
3) over 전체 기간에 걸쳐서 이 행위 하나만 주로 했을 때
+) What did you do over the weekend/ holiday?
주말에 뭐했니? 연휴동안 뭐했어?
+) I stayed at home watching Netflix over the holiday.
연휴 내내 그냥 넷플릭스만 보고 집에 있었다니까.
4) during ~기간 중에 한 특정한 일(예, 추석 연휴 중 부모님 방문)
+) I visited my parents during 추석.
추석기간동안 부모님을 찾아 뵈었다.
(그 기간동안 여러가지 활동 중에 하나만 얘기할 때는 during 사용)
+) I visited my parents on the first day and did something else on the second day during 추석. 추석기간동안 이런 이런 일을 했다.
I'm not gonna be the one who spoils his fun.
*agree to ~에 합의하다
I got Mom to agree to take me and Rowley.(50p)
*bother ~을 성가시게 하다, 괴롭히다
I tried not to let it bother me too much, though.
*look forward to ~을 기대하다
*second thought 재고, 다시 생각함
I started having second thoughts about going in.
*move along ~따라 움직이다
But Mom seemed like she was in a hurry to get this over with, and she moved us along.
*once+주어+동사: 일단 ~하기만 하면(접속사 역할)
*one after another 차례로 잇달아
Once we were through the gate, it was one scare after another.(51p)
*Chainsaw Alley 전기톱 골목
*chainsaw 동력 사슬톱, 전기톱
I wasn't taking any chances.
=Even if it is safe, I'm not not gonna try it.
*step in 개입하다, 돕고 나서다
*bail out (더이상 원하지 않는 상황에서) 벗어나다
Mom stepped in and bailed us out.(52p)
*step in 개입하다, 돕고 나서다
*bail out (더이상 원하지 않는 상황에서) 벗어나다
Mom stepped in and bailed us out.(52p)
Mom is real tight with our principal, so I'll bet she stepped in and made sure I got put in the Gifted group again.(14p)
*be willing to 흔쾌히 ~하다, 기꺼이 ~하다
+) I am willing to study English hard.
난 영어공부를 열심히 할 거야.
+) Would you be willing to relocate overseas?
해외 지사에서 근무할 생각이있어요?
*let it go 그쯤 해두다, 더이상 말하지 않다
*this one time 이번 한번만
I guess it was a little embarrassing when Mom did that, but I'm willing to let it go this one time.(53p)
+) I am willing to study English hard.
난 영어공부를 열심히 할 거야.
+) Would you be willing to relocate overseas?
해외 지사에서 근무할 생각이있어요?
*let it go 그쯤 해두다, 더이상 말하지 않다
*this one time 이번 한번만
I guess it was a little embarrassing when Mom did that, but I'm willing to let it go this one time.(53p)
1. 아는 만큼 들립니다. 오디오북을 신경써서 들어주세요.
2. 게시물 숙제
Diary of a Wimpy Kid를 읽고 기억하고 싶은 문장, 단어나 구문 등을 골라 댓글로 올려주세요.
3. 녹음 숙제
카톡 기능을 이용하여 5분간 원서를 읽거나 단어나 주요문장을 반복해서 소리내어 읽어주세요.
주말을 맞아 한 주간 읽었던 윔피키드의 어휘와 문장 복습해주시고, 북클럽 진도와 상관없이 편하게 읽어보세요. 한번 읽고서 오디오북을 들으면 훨씬 잘 들리는 것을 경험하실 거에요. 9월 첫 주 원서리딩 하시느라 수고많으셨어요. 편안한 주말 보내세요.
1.get past:통과 시키다
답글삭제2.that's All It takes.
3.brainy:아주 똑똑한
4.dig through :파헤치다
6.close down:폐업하다
7. step in:
8.bail out
That's all it takes.필요한 건 그게 다야. / 그거면 충분해
답글삭제he is real brainy at math.
jock 운동 많이 하는 남자들
can't help you with that.
for the taking 손에 쥐기만 하면; (원한다면) 마음대로, 무료로
ex) 1.This world is mine for the taking. 이세상을 쥐기만 하면 내 것인데
2. Success is still ours for the taking. 여전히 성공은 우리의 것이다.
I have to say~~ 칭찬과 긍정 강조의 말
trick or treat. 속임수를 쓰든지 아니면 대접을 하든지.
if they pass by our driveway, he drenches them.
I have been looking forward to this for about three years.
Once we were through the gate, it was one scare after another.
once S+V 일단 ~하기만 하면,, 일단 우리가 그 문을 지나가기만 하면 공포의 연속이었다
Mom stepped in and bailed out.
bail out 탈출하다 벗어나다
Nina(Day 5)
답글삭제1. I’ve never had any interest in student government.
2. The treasurer job is pretty much mind for the taking.
3. Dad dug through some old boxes in the basement and found one of his campaign posters.
dug through 파헤치다
integrity 진실성
run for ~에 입후보하다
treasurer 자금담당자
fabrication 꾸며낸것
# I asked Dad to drive me to the store to get some supplies.
답글삭제# So today, Marty Porter was going around handing out lollipops to buy himself votes..
# I got mom to agree to take me and Rowley.
# I tried not to let it bother me too much, though.
# I started having second thoughts about going in.
# Right when it looked like the chainsaw guy was going to catch us,
Mom stepped in and bailed us out.
Mom made the chainsaw guy show us where the exit was,
and that was the end of our haunted house experience right there.
1. He's real brainy at math.
답글삭제2. This might not be as easy as I thought.
3. Dad dug through some old boxes.
4. I have to say, they came out pretty good.
5. He spotted them.
6. I'm not gonna be the one who spoils his fun.
7. I got Mom to agree ti take me and Rowley.
8. I started having second thoughts.
9. I'm willing to let it go.
1.be groundedcome up with
답글삭제동사 …을 생산하다, 제시[제안]하다. (=produce, supply.)
외출금지 (주로 수동태로 쓰임, ex :외출금지를 당하다)
2.a whole bunch of
한 무더기의
3.That's all it takes.
필요한 건 그게 다야. / 그거면 충분해.예) Communication. That's all it takes.
4.to be honest with you
정직하게 말하자면
5.even better
형용사 한결 더 나은
(공기나 가스로) 부풀리다[부풀다]
(사실과 다르게) 부풀리다[과장하다]
(가격을[이]) 올리다[오르다] (→deflate, reflate)
7.he's a real brainy at math
그는 수학에 정말 뛰어난 두뇌를 가지고 있다
8.big-ticket (items)
돈이 많이 드는 (품목들)
9.ntegrity 진실성
10.head lice머릿니
명사 [제작, 제조, 구성; 조립; 구조물
명사 꾸며낸 것, 거짓말; 위조(물), 위조 문서(forgery)
12.buy a vote
투표를 매수하다.
13.drench 어휘등급
동사 흠뻑 적시다 (=soak)
14.second thoughts 재고
15.one after another
16.a haunted house
귀신 나오는 집, 흉가
17.all sort of 온갖 종류의
18.bail out (of something)
(추락하는 비행기에서) 탈출하다
(더 이상 원하지 않는 상황에서) 벗어나다
19.let it go this one time
이번 한 번만 봐줘
전면적인, 총력을 기울인, 본격적인(complete)
(생략 없이) 전부 쓰여진
21.chainsaw Alley
전기톱 골목
22.come up with
…을 생산하다, 제시[제안]하다. (=produce, supply.)
1. Let me see what I van do.
답글삭제2. Treasurer gob is pretty much mine for the taking.
3. Let's just hope these posters work.
4. He took down all my posters anyway.
5. Mom stepped in and bailed us out.
1. torture 고문
2. treasurer 회계담당
3. nerds 얼간이
4. jock 운동을 많이하는 남자들
5. inflate 부풀리다
6. run for 입후보하다
7. brainy 매우 똑똑한
8. integrity 진실성
9. secretary 총무, 서기
10. head lice 이
11. fabrication 위조
12. candidates 후보
13. drench 흠뻑적시다
14. embarrass 난처, 당황
Be grounded 외출금지를 당하다
답글삭제A whole bunch of 많은
Get past 통과시키다
That’s all 그것으로 끝, 그뿐이다
Even better 한결나아가
Pretty much 거의 완전히
For the taking 마음대로, 목표로
Dig through 파헤치자
I have to say 내가 봤을때는
Spot 발견하다
Fabrication 위조, 거짓말
Close down 폐업하다
By vote 유권자들을 매수하다
Drench 흠뻑적시다
Second thought 다시 생각함
Move along ~따라 움직이다
Bail out 떠나다, 벗어나다
This one time 이번 한번만
Bing in on the deal ~을 계획하다
Full out 전부
Come up with 제시하다
1. Be grouded from
답글삭제2. This might not be as easy as I thought.
3. I started hanging my posters up as soon as I got in.
4. Fabrication
5. Drench
6. Bing in on the deal
A whole bunch of
답글삭제Jock = cool kids
Big ticket
For the take
Run for
I have to say
Buy a vote
Step in
Bail out
Get past
Big ticket
For the taking
I have to say
Get in
Take down
Hand out
Buy a vote
Close down
Bail out
1. treasurer 회계담당자
답글삭제2. fabricate날조하다 fabrication거짓말 위조
3.he drenches them. drench 흠뻑적시다
4. I've been looking forward to this for about three years.
5. Mom stepped in and bailed us out.
6. I guess it was embarrassing when Mom did that, but I'm willing to let it go this one time.
1. Treasurer job is pretty much mine for the taking.
답글삭제2. I’ve never had any interest in student government.
3. Dad dug through some old boxes in the basement and found one of his campaign posters.
treasurer 자금담당자
jock 운동많이하는남자
brainy 아주똑똑한
dug through 파헤치다
integrity 진실
1. I've never had any interest in student government.
답글삭제2. Let me see what I can do..
3. I have to say, they come out pretty good.
be grounded 외출금지 당하다
a whole bunch of 많은
jock 운동을 많이하는 남자들
big ticket 고가의, 가치있는
for the take 손에 쥐기만 하면
run for 입후보하다
integrity 진실성
secretary 총무, 서기
fabrication 꾸며낸것, 거짓말
take down 구조물을 해체하다
hand out 나눠주다
1. Let me see what I can do.
답글삭제2. So this might not be as easy as I thought.
3. I have to say, they came out pretty good.
4. I’m not gonna be the one who spoils his fun.
5. I started having second thoughts about going in.
6. Mom stepped in and bailed us out.
7. I’m willing to let it go this one time.
* be grounded 외출 금지 당하다.
* for the take 손에 쥐기만 하면
* intergrity 진실성
* fabrication 꾸며낸것 위조
* second thought 재고 다시 생각함
* this one time 이번 한번만
1.get past:통과 시키다
답글삭제2.thats All It takes.
3.brainy:아주 똑똑한
4.dug through
5. Close down.
6.Mom stepped in and bailed us out.