원서리딩 Diary of a Wimpy Kid 윔피키드 Day 6


활자도 큼지막하고, 만화도 재미있고...
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Diary of a Wimpy Kid 윔피키드 영어공부

Day 6(53-63p)

*a pop 각각 (=each) 
-물건이나 서비스를 하나씩 또는 각각에 대해 사용된 비용을 말할 때 
+) They were selling cupcakes for $2 a pop at the bake sale.
     그들이 베이크 세일에서 컵케이크 한 개에 2달러씩 팔고 있었어.
+) The antique store had vintage postcards for sale at $10 a pop. 
   앤틱가게에서 빈티지 엽서를 한 장에 10달러에 팔고 있었어.
Those guys were charging five bucks a pop, and the line stretched halfway around the school.
*bring in on the deal ...를 계획이나 거래에 참여[관여]시키다
*convert 개조하다
*full-out (=complete) 전부, 전면적인, 총력을 기울인
Actually, I had to bring Rowley in on the deal, because Mom wouldn't let me convert our first floor into a full-out haunted mansion.(53p)
*come up with 제시[제안]하다, ...을 생산하다

*brag 자랑하다
*get the word out 널리 알리다 (= make it known), 말을 퍼트리다 (= spread the word, start a rumor)
+) Please, get the word out and help these kids. 
    이 이야기를 널리 퍼뜨려서 이 아이들을 도와주세요.
We realized we were gonna need to get the word out that we were doing this thing, so we got some paper and made up a bunch of flyers.(54p)

*stretch the truth 진실을 왜곡하다, 사실을 과장하다
+) She stretched the truth a bit on her resume to make it more impressive. 그녀는 이력서에 약간의 과장을 해서 더 인상적으로 만들었다.  
+) Don't trust everything he says; he has a tendency to stretch the truth to make himself look better. 그가 말하는 거 모두 믿지 마세요. 자신이 더 나은 사람처럼 보이려고 사실을 과장하는 경향이 있어요.
I'll admit maybe we stretched the truth a little in our advertisement, but we had to make sure people actually showed up.(55p)
*cut corners (일을 쉽게 하려고) 절차 원칙 등을 무시하다, 생략하다
(= cheat, be lazy, skimp)
So we had to cut corners from our original plan.(55p)

+) Don't cut corners. 잔머리 굴리지마.
+) I had to cut corners to get the job done.
    그 일을 마치기 위해서 절차를 무시해야 했다.
+) Take your time. Don't cut corners.
    천천히 해. 대충하지 말고.

*roll around ~이 되자, ~에 도달하자
(특정 시간이나 사건이 예상한 시점에 도달했을 때 사용)
When 3:00 rolled around, we looked outside to see if anyone had showed up. 
*sure enough 아니나 다를까
*make a kill 크게 한 몫 잡다 (= make a lot of money) 
I could see that we had a chance to make a killing here.
*cough up (특히 돈을 마지못해) 내놓다, 토해내다
The first kid to cough up his two bucks was Shane Snella.
마지못해 처음 2달러를 낸 아이는 Shane Snella였다.
*take one's position 위치를 잡다
We took our positions in the Hall of Screams.(56p)

*either side of 양측면의
*curl up 몸을 웅크리다
*budge 꼼짝하다, 움직이게 하다
He wouldn't budge.
*clog 막다, 막히다, 나막신
+) Toilet is clogged. 변기가 막혔어요.
I knew we had to get him out of there, quick.(57p)

*in the mood ~할 생각인, ~할 기분인
But Rowley's dad wasn't really in a helpful mood.
+) not in the mood for ~를 할 기분이 아니야, ~가 땡기지 않는다 
+) I don’t know about you, but I’m not in the mood for Chinese.
    넌 어떤지 모르지만, 나는 중국 음식이 안 땡겨.
*put together 만들다, 준비하다
폼나는 영어 꼭 알아야 할 구동사 6개 비즈니스 영어 구동사
구슬쌤영어 동사 put 네이티브처럼 쓰는 10가지 방법!
*ketchup 케-츄업
 케찹 ketchup vs catch up 정확한 영어발음

*legitimate [lɪˈdʒɪtɪmət] 정당한, 합법적인
*legitimate operation 정당한 비지니스[운영]
*seem ...인 것 같다, ...처럼 보이다 
It never seems to end.(매직트리하우스 21-3/21p) 
That seemed to do the trick for Dad.(27p)
He still didn't seem convinced.(59p)
*make a long story short 간단히 말하자면, 한 마디로 말해서
And to make a long story short, that was the end of our haunted house.(59p)

*feel bad for somebody 안되게 느껴진다, 안쓰럽다
Anyway, I felt kind of bad for Rowely.
+) feel sorry for somebody ~를 안쓰럽게[안됐다고] 여기다, 애처롭게 생각하다
I guess I kind of felt sorry for Rowley, and I decided to take him under my wing.(19p)
*make it up 보상하다, 갚아주다, 보답하다
So tonight, I tried to make it up to him.
+) I'll make it up to you for forgetting your birthday.  
    생일을 잊어버린 것에 대해 성의를 보일게.
+) I will make it up to you later.  
    대신 나중에 꼭 갚을게.
Esperanza wanted desperately to make it up to her.(Esperanza Rising Day 18- 226p)
*over the phone vs. on the phone
I did a play-by-play over the phone so he could kind of experience it that way.(60p)

*keep up with 따라가다, 계속하다
I did my best to keep up with what was going on on the screen, but to be honest with you, I'm not sure if Rowely was getting the full effect.
*in time for ~에 시간맞춰
Well, Rowley's grounding is finally over, and just in time for Halloween, too.
I have to admit, I'm a little jealous.(61p)

*come with ...이 딸려있다
*and everything 등등, 다른 이런저런 것들
*store-bought 상점에서 산
I've never had a store-bought costume before.
*throw something together ~을 서둘러 만들다[준비하다]
(=put it together without much thought)
That might not be the smartest choice.(62p)

*lame 변변찮은, 설득력없는, 다리를 저는
*lame costumes 변변찮은 의상[복장], 초라한 의상
*bring in 가져오다 (=earn)
I'm starting to think it's actually having an effect on the amount of candy I'm bringing in.
*put together 만들다, 준비하다
*plan out ~에 대해 세심히 계획을 세우다
But I don't really have time to put together a good costume, because I'm in charge of planning out the best route for me and Rowley to take tomorrow night.(63p)

1. 아는 만큼 들립니다. 오디오북을 신경써서 들어주세요. 


2. 게시물 숙제

Diary of a Wimpy Kid를 읽고 기억하고 싶은 문장, 단어나 구문 등을 골라 댓글로 올려주세요. 

3. 녹음 숙제

카톡 기능을 이용하여 5분간  원서를 읽거나 단어나 주요문장을 반복해서 소리내어 읽어주세요.


  1. # I had to bring Rowley in on the deal.
    # Me and Rowley spent most of the day coming up with an awesome plan for our haunted house.
    # This year I've come up with a plan that'll get us at least twice the candy we scored last year.
    # When 3:00 rolled around, we looked outside to see if anyone had showed up.
    # but I could see that we had a chance to make a killing here.
    # And to make a long story short, that was the end of our haunted house.
    # So at least we cleared two bucks today.

  2. 1.pop:each
    3.stretch the truth:진실을 왜곡하다.
    4.cut some corners:일을 쉽게 하려고 생략, 무시하다
    5.sure enough:아니나 다를까
    6.have A chance to make a killing:크게 한몫잡다.
    7. Cough up:내놓다, 토해내다
    8.take ones positions:위치를 잡다
    9.drag out from:-에서 끌어내리다
    11.clear:돈을 벌다
    12.feel kind of bad for

  3. 1. So we had to cut corners from out original plan.
    2. I'll admit maybe we stretched the truth a little in our advertisement.
    3. I could see that we had a chance to make a killing here.
    4. But Rowley's dad wasn't really in a helpful mood.
    5. And to make a long story short, that was the end of our haunted house.
    1 get the word out 널리 알리다
    2 stretch the truth 진실을 왜곡하다
    3 advertisement 광고
    4 cut corners 절차등을 무시하다
    5 convert 전환, 개조하다
    6 bring in the deal 계획에 참여시키다
    7 brag 자랑
    8 make a kill 한몫잡다
    9 cough up 내놓다, 토해내다
    10 clog 막다
    11 legitimate 정당한, 합법적인
    12 flamethrower 화염방사기
    13 play-by-play 실황중계
    14 lame costumes 변변찮은 의상

  4. Nina (Day6)
    1.I’ll admit maybe we stretched the truth a little in our advertisement,but we had to make sure people actually showed up.
    2.So we had to cut some corner from our original plan.
    3.I could see that we had a chance to make a killing here.

    cough up 돈을 마지못해토해내다
    make a kill 크게한목잡다
    roll around ~에도달하다
    stretched the truth 진실을왜곡하다
    cut corners 생략하다

  5. 1. They were charging five bucks a pop.
    2. Me and Rowley spent most of the day coming up with an awesome plan.
    3. I'll admit we stretched the truth.
    4. We had to cut some corners.
    5. We took our position.
    6. Dad wasn't really in a helpful mood.
    7. To make a long story short.
    8. Rowley ended up getting grounded.
    9. I did my best to keep up with what was going on.
    10. I have to admit, I'm a little jealous.
    11. I'm in charge of planning out.

  6. those guys were charging five bucks a pop. *pop=each
    full-out=complete 전면적인
    Me and Rowley spent two most of the day coming up with an awesome plan for our haunted house.
    come up with something (해답·돈 등을) 찾아내다[내놓다]
    coming up with awesome plan 멋진 계획을 찾느라
    brag 자랑하다
    we had to cut some corners from our original plan.
    roll around 특정시간이나 사건에 다다름
    when 3:00 rolled around,
    lame costume 변변찮은 의상

  7. 1. We had to make sure people actually showed up.
    2. So we had to cut some corners from our original plan.
    3. I could see that we had a chance to make a killing here.
    4. I knew we had to get him out of there, quick.
    5. Make a long story short, that was the end of our haunted house.
    6. He still didn’t seem convinced.
    * convinced 확신하다.
    * legitimate 정당한 합법적인
    * lame customers 초라한 의상
    * sure enough 아니나 다를까

    1. * lame custumes 절름발이 의상. 변변찮은

  8. 1.this one time 이번 한 번
    2.a pop… 개 당
    3.bring in on the deal ~을 계획이나 거래에 참여 시키다
    동사 (형태목적시스템 등을) 전환시키다[개조하다]
    동사 (형태목적시스템 등이) 전환[개조]되다
    명사 개종자, 전향자
    전면적인, 총력을 기울인, 본격적인(complete)
    (생략 없이) 전부 쓰여진
    6.be crazy about[for, over]
    …에 미치다, 열광[열중]하다
    7.come up with
    동사 …을 생산하다, 제시[제안]하다. (=produce, supply.)
    8.i don't mean to brag or anything
    자랑 같은 건 할 생각이 없어요
    9.get the word out
    말을 퍼뜨리다
    =spread the word
    =start a rumor 소문을 내다
    10.a bunch of flyers전단지 한다발
    11.stretch the truth
    진실을 왜곡하다
    12.put together 합하다
    13.cut corners
    (일을 쉽게 하려고) 절차[원칙 등]를 무시[생략]하다
    14.roll around ~이 되자, 에 도달되자
    17.make a kill 사냥을 하다.
    크게 한 몫 잡다
    =make alot of money
    18.cough up
    (특히 돈을 마지못해) 내놓다[토해 내다]
    19.take one's position[place]위치를 잡다
    20.either side of 어느 한 쪽
    21.curl up 1
    (눕거나 앉아서) 몸을 웅크리다
    약간 움직이다[움직이게 하다], 꼼짝하다
    의견을 바꾸다[바꾸게 하다]
    23.not in the mood for
    그럴 기분이 아니다
    24.to make a long story short
    대충 말한다면, 한마디로 말해서
    25.get grounded for
    을 위해 외출 금지를 당하다
    26.feel bad(sorry) for somebody
    가엾게 여기다
    명사 美 스포츠 실황 중계
    28.over the phone전화 통화상으로
    on the phone 통화중
    29.in time for
    ~하는 시간에 맞춰, ~에 시간 맞춰
    30.come with …이 딸려 있다
    31.and everything
    등등[다른 이런저런 것들]
    32.throw something together
    ~을 서둘러 만들다[준비하다]
    =put it together without much thouhgt
    33.lame customs 어설픈 관습
    34.plan something out
    ~에 대해 세심히 계획을 세우다
    35.convince 납득시키다, 확신시키다.설득하다,
    정당한, 타당한, 적당한 (=valid, justifiable)
    합법적인, 적법한 (=legal), (↔illegitimate)
    적출인 (↔illegitimate)

  9. Get the word out 널리 알리다
    Stretched the truth 진실을 왜곡하다
    Cut corner 절차 원칙을 무시하다. 생략하다
    Sure enough 아니나 다를까
    Make a kill 크게 한 몫 잡다
    Cough up 내놓다. 토해내다
    Either side of 양측면의
    Curl up 몸을 웅크리다
    Budge 조그씩 움직이다
    Clog 막다, 막히다
    Drag out from ~에서 ~를 끌어내다
    Crank 돌다, 돌아가게 하다
    put together 만들다, 준비하다
    Legitimate 정당한, 합법적인
    Make a long story short 간단히 말하자면
    Flamethrower 화염방사기
    Keep up with 따라가다, 계속하다
    In time for ~에 시간을 맞추어
    Come with ~이 딸려있다
    Throw something together ~을 서둘러 만들다
    Lame 변변찮은, 다리를 저는
    Come up with 제안하다

  10. 1.but what we came up with was way better than
    2.get the word out
    3.stretched the truth
    4.some corners
    5.sure enough
    6.had a chance to make a killing here.
    7.take out positions
    8.drag Shane out from under the bed

  11. Full-out 총력을 기울인
    Come up with 제시하다, 생산하다
    Brag 자랑하다
    Stretch the truth 사실을 과장하다
    Cut some corner 절차 원칙등을 무시하다
    Curl up 몸을 웅크리다
    Clog 막히다
    Put together 준비하다
    Legitimate 정당한, 합법적인
    Make it up 보상하다
    In time for ~에 시간맞춰
    Throw something together~ 서둘러 만들다
    Lame 변변찮은

  12. 1. I'm willing to let it go this one time.
    2. I don't mean to brag or anything.
    3. we realized we were gonna need to get the word out.
    4. we had to cut some corners from our original plan.
    5. when 3:00 rolled around
    6. keep up with 따라가다, 계속하다
    7. come up with 제안하다,제시하다

  13. 1. I had to Rowley in on the deal.
    2. So we had to cut some corners from our original plan.
    3. I could see that we had a chance to make a killing here.
    convert 개조하다
    coming up 제안하다. 생산하다
    maze 미로
    alley 골목
    get the word out 널리 알리다, 퍼트리다
    advertisement 광고
    roll around ~이되다, ~에 도달하다
    sure enough 아니나 다를까
    cough up 내놓다, 토해내다
    make it up 보상하다, 갚아주다
    lame 변변찮은, 다리를 저는
    cranky 까다로운, 짜증나는

  14. 1. I had to bring Rowley in on the deal
    2. Convert
    3. Coming up with
    4. Get the word out
    5. Cut some corners : 절차, 원칙들을 무시하다. 생략하다
    6. I could see that we had a chance to make a killing here.
    7.crawl out
    8. Budge
    9. Cranking 돌아가게 하다
    10. I did my best to keep up with what was going on on the screen

  15. come up with 제시[제안]하다, ...을 생산하다
    get the word out 널리 알리다
    cut corners (일을 쉽게 하려고) 절차 원칙 등을 무시하다, 생략하다
    Don't cut corners. 잔머리 굴리지마.
    in the mood ~할 생각인, ~할 기분인
    put together 만들다, 준비하다

  16. 1. So we had to cut corners from our original plan.
    2. We had to make sure people actually showed up.
    3. Make a long story short, that was the end of our haunted house.
    4. I tried to make it up to him.
    * a pop 각각 (each)
    * convert 개조하다
    * brag 자랑하다
    * get the word out 널리 알리다
    * stretch the truth 진실을 왜곡하다
    * cough up 내놓다 토해내다

  17. 1. So we had to cut some corners from our original plan.
    2. I could see that we had a chance to make a killing here.
    3. I’ve never had a store bought costume before.

    cranky 짜증을내는
    lame 변변찮은
    having an effect on ~에 영향을미치다
    come up with 제안하다
    in time for 시간에 맞추어

  18. A pop
    Bring in on the deal
    Get the word out
    Bottom less pit
    Stretch the truth
    Cut corners
    Roll around
    Sure enough
    Make a kill
    Cough up

  19. A pop
    Bring in on the deal
    Come up with
    Get the word out
    Stretch the truth
    Cut corners
    Roll around
    Make a kill
    Cough up
    Make it up
    Throw something together

  20. 1. I had to bring Rowley in on the deal.
    bring in on the deal 계획,거래에 참여시키다.
    2. full-out 전부
    3. way better than 훨씬 낫다.
    4. get the word out 널리 알리다
    5. stretched the truth 과장하다 / show up 나타나다.
    6. cut some corners 생략하다. 무시하다
    7. rolled around 쯤. ~이 되자
    8. sure enough 아니나 다를까.
    9. make a kill = make a lot of money
    10. cough up (특히 돈을) 건네다. 치르다 /토해내다
    11. on either side of it 양측면의
    12. budge 꼼짝하다. 움직이게 하다
    13. clog 막다


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