영어원서 리딩챌린지 Diary of a Wimpy Kid 윔피키드 Day 7
윔피키드는 전세계 67개 언어로 번역되어 2억 7천만 부라는 전례없는 기록을 세운 책입니다. '워싱턴 포스트 선정 역사상 가장 성공적인 어린이책', '아마존 선정 태어나서 꼭 한번 읽어야 할 책 100', '세계에서 가장 많은 인세를 벌어들인 책'이라는 수식어가 붙은 만큼 어마어마한 사랑을 받은 책입니다.
*and everything 등등, 다른 이런저런 것들
But then Mom knocked at my door and handed me a pirate costume, with an eye patch and a hook and everything.(64p)
His knight outfit came with a helmet and a shield and a real sword and EVERYTHING.(62p)
I want you to take Manny with you!(65p)
*Man 이런, 오~
*should have p.p ~했어야 했는데 하지 못했다
-말하는 시점(보통 현재)에서 과거 사실에 대한 후회나 유감을 나타냄
+) I should’ve studied English harder.
+) I should’ve done this before.
*catch 꿍꿍이, 함정, 속셈
+) What's the catch? 속셈이 뭐예요?
+) What's the catch? 속셈이 뭐예요?
No catch. 속셈없어요.
Man, I should have known there was a catch when Mom gave me that costume.
*there is no way 어림없는 일이다
I told Mom there was no WAY we were taking Manny with us, because we were going to hit 152 houses in three hours.
There's no way you can change it.(66p)
*the next thing I knew 깨닫고 보니, 어느 틈엔가
*go along with ~와 함께 가다[하다]
*squirm [skwɜːrm] 꿈틀[꼼지락]대다, 몹시 당혹해[창피해] 하다*squirm out of (책임 등)에서 벗어나다
*한국인은 잘 모르는 run into 사용법
*run into
1) 우연히 누구를, 사람을 마주치다
I ran into 민수 at the cafe.
2) 예상하지 못한 문제에 부딪히다
I ran into this problem while doing something.
제가 예상치 못한 이 문제에 부딪혔어요(갑자기 문제가 생겼어요).
We ran into this ~~ problem/ put something on hold.
+) We ran into this unexpected problem, so we had to put the project on hold. 갑자기 예상치 못한 문제가 생겨서 프로젝트를 잠정 보류하게 되었다.
+) We ran into a blizzard.
예상치 못하게 눈보라를 만났어.
*come across + 사물: 우연히 마주치다, 우연히 보다
+) I came across a cute cafe on the way.
오는 길에 예쁜 카페를 봤어.
*tag along with ~를 따라가다, ~에 붙어 다니다
So of course THEY tagged along with us.
*rule out 제외시키다, 배제하다
*make a point 주장(생각)을 밝히다
Every time one of them wanted to make a point, they'd stop walking.(67p)
152 집을 돌아다닐 계획을 세웠는데 Dad와 Mr. Mitchell이 이렇게 길가다말고 얘기나누시니 얼마나 속이 탈까요.
*take off (특히) 서둘러 떠나다
*make up 보상하다
My pillowcase was almost empty, so I wanted to make up as much time as possible.(68p)
*help oneself to …을 마음대로 쓰다, …착복하다(=just take it)
So I told Rowley if he wasn't back outside in one minute, I was gonna start helping myself to his candy.(68p)
일 분 안에 밖으로 안 나오면 사탕 가져갈거야.
You can kind of tell because that's when they start coming to the door in their pajamas and giving you the evil eye.(69p)
*take in 거두다
I was pretty satisfied with how much candy we took in.(69p)
*a fire extinguisher 소화기
*pass by 지나가다
*give credit 공로를 인정하다
I have to give Rowley credit, because he blocked about 95% of the water with his shield.
*would have p.p: 과거의 가정이나 추측을 나타내며, 어떤 상황이 실제로 일어나지 않았음에도 불구하고 그 결과를 상상하는 데 사용
+) If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.
더 열심히 공부했다면 시험에 통과했을 것이다.
And if he hadn't done that, all our candy would have gotten soaked.
We're calling the COPS!(70p)
*slam on the brakes 급브레이크를 밟다
*on it's heels 따라가다, 추격해오다
Me and Rowley started running, but those guys were right on our heels.
*cut through ~사이를 가로지르다
*sure enough 아니나 다를까
*trick one's into ~ing 속여서 ~하게 하다
I tried to trick them into leaving, but they wouldn't budge.(71p)
*budge (부정문에서) 꼼짝하다, 조금 움직이다, 양보하다
+) I already tried talking to him, but he wouldn't budge.
-뭔가 열려도 시도했는데 열리지 않고 꿈쩍도 안할 때
-생각/마음을 조금도 바꿀 기미를 보이지 않을 때
*wait out 끝까지 기다리다
*cocky 자만심에 찬, 건방진
*get cocky 거만하게 굴다
That's when we started getting cocky.
*whatnot 이름을 모르거나 정확하지 않은 무엇을 가리킬 때
*general idea 개념
*crash 다른 사람 집에서 자다, 침대 아닌 곳 에서 자다
*crash at one's place ~의 집에서 자다
+) Look, come crash at my place tonight.
저기요, 오늘밤 내 방에서 자고 가세요
+) Can I crash at your place for a couple of days?.
며칠간 너네 집에서 자도 돼?
I called Mom to tell her we were going to crash at Gramma's for the night.(72p)
*on the phone
But Mom sounded really mad on the phone.(72p)
*school night 다음날 학교 가는 전날 밤, 평일밤
*make a run for it 필사적으로 (급히) 도망치다
So that meant we were gonna have to make a run for it.(72p)
*draw out 유인해내다, 꾀어내다
*truckload 트럭 한대 분량
*hunt down 뒤쫓다, 추적하여 잡다
Snake Road is scary enough on its own without having a truckload of teenagers hunting you down. 스네이크 로드는 트럭 한대 만큼의 십대들이 뒤쫓지 않아도 그 자체로 충분히 무섭다. 스네이크 로드 자체가 상당히 무섭다는 얘기
*dive into ...으로 뛰어들다
+) dive-dove/dived-dived
*must have p.p ~했음에 틀림없다(과거 일에 대한 강한 추측)
It must've taken us a half hour to go 100 yards.(73p)
*make it 성공하다, 해내다
*let one's guard down 긴장을 풀다, 방심하다, 긴장을 늦추다
+) Don't let your guard down.
방심하지 마! 긴장하고 있어.
+) Never let your guard down.
방심하지 마! 긴장하고 있어.
+) Never let your guard down.
방심은 금물이다.
Neither one of us let our guard down until we got to my driveway.(74p)
So I kind of let my guard down.(38p)
*big wave 집채만한 파도
*pay the price for ~의 대가를 치르다
Man, I forgot ALL about Dad, and we totally paid the price for it.(74p)
*lay out 펼치다
We laid out all our candy on the kitchen table.
*salvage [ˈsælvɪdʒ] 구조하다, 구조
*mooch 빌붙다, 빈대붙다, 어슬렁거리다
1. 아는 만큼 들립니다. 오디오북을 신경써서 들어주세요.
2. 게시물 숙제
Diary of a Wimpy Kid를 읽고 기억하고 싶은 문장, 단어나 구문 등을 골라 댓글로 올려주세요.
3. 녹음 숙제
카톡 기능을 이용하여 5분간 원서를 읽거나 단어나 주요문장을 반복해서 소리내어 읽어주세요.
# Manny and Jeremy wouldn't trick-or-treat at any houses with spooky decorations on them so that ruled out pretty much every house on our block.
답글삭제# I made him hold off for another forty-five minutes.
# but those guys were right on our heels.
# I called mom to tell her we are going to crash at Gramma's for the night. but Mom sounded really mad on the phone.
# we were gonna make to run for it.
1. Started to head out.
답글삭제2. I told mom there was no way we were taking Manny with us
3.Dad tti d to squirm out of it, but once Mom makes up her mind
4. The driver slammed on the brakes
5.Thats when we started getting cocky
6.so that meant we were gonna have to make a run for it.
1. I should have known there was a catch ~
답글삭제2. I should never have mentioned that last part,
3. Mom makes up her mind, there’s no way you can change it.
4. slammed on the brakes 급 브레이크 밟았.. .
5. ~ those guys were right on our heels.
6. I tried to trick them into leaving, but they wouldn’t budge.
7. crash at one’s place ~
8. let our guard down.
9. mooch ; ask for or obtain (something) without paying for it.
1. We totally paid the price for it.
답글삭제2. Neither one of us let our guard down.
3. they wouldn't budge.
4. The driver slammed on the brakes.
5. Once Mom makes up her mind, there's no way you can change it.
1 in a row 잇달아
2 catch 꿍꿍이, 속셈
3 help oneself 마음대로 쓰다
4 crash 다른 사람의 집에서 자다
5 head out 출발하다
6 tag along with 따라가다
7 rule out 제외시키다
8 make a point주장을 밝히다
9 sure enough 아니나 다를까
10 cocky 자만심에 찬, 거만한
head out 출발하다
답글삭제they started to head out.
before we head out,
should have p.p ~했어야 했는데 하지 못했다
I should have known there was a catch when Mom gave me that costume.
엄마가 그 의상을 주었을 때 함정이 있다는 것을 알았어야 했다
catch 함정 꿍꿍이
I should've been there.
I shouldn't have been there.
I was gonna start helping myself to his candy.
help oneself to 마음대로 쓰다 착복하다
make a point 생각을 밝히다
I already tried talking to him, but he wouldn't budge.
sure enough 아니나 다를까 sure enough, they did.
cocky 자만심에 찬
That's when we started getting cocky.
Mom sounded really mad on the phone.
be on the phone 통화중이다
1.trick or treat
답글삭제과자를 안 주면 장난칠 거예요(핼러윈(Halloween) 때 아이들이 집집마다 다니며 하는 말)
2.in a row
(여러 번을) 잇달아[연이어]
(며칠·몇 달·몇 년 등을) 계속해서[연이어]
3.and everything
등등[다른 이런저런 것들]
or everything
아니면 뭐든지
4.cover something up
~을 완전히 덮다[가리다]
(실수·범행 등을) 숨기다[은폐하다] (→관련 명사는 cover-up)
5.reflective tape 반사 테이프
6.glowstick ( light stick )
야광 막대
7.head out…으로 향하다((for))
8.what's the catch
속셈이 뭐야?
There's is no catch.
조건 같은 거 없어.
9.There’s no way.
~할 수 없다, 불가능하다
10.the next thing I knew
깨닫고 보니, 어느 틈엔가
11.step foot outside
밖으로 나가다(=go outside)
13.squirm out of
[책임 등]에서 벗어나다
14.make up one's mind
15.tag along with
…에 붙어다니다
16.rule out
동사 제외시키다, 배제하다; 불가능하게 하다. (=exclude, eliminate.)
17.make[prove] a[one's] point
주장[생각]을 밝히다, 주장[변명]이 정당함을 보여주다
18.take off
이륙하다[날아오르다] (↔land) (→관련 명사는 take-off)
(특히 서둘러) 떠나다
급격히 인기를 얻다[유행하다]
19.if you were not back outside in one minute
당신이 1분 안에 밖으로 돌아오지 않았다면
20.help oneself to
[음식물 따위]를 마음대로 집어먹다, 자유로이 먹다
…을 마음대로 쓰다, …을 훔치다[착복하다]=just take it
21.take in 거두다
22.roar down
큰 소리로 야단치다
=moving with a loud noise
큰 소리를 내며 움직이기
23.a fire extinguisher
24.open fire 발포하다
25.give credit for somebody
공로를 인정하다
*give credit외상을 주다
*give credit to…을 믿다
26.물에 젖다:get wet,
be soaked
27.slam on the brakes
급브레이크를 밟다
28.on one's heels
뒤를 쫓아서, 바짝 뒤쫓다
29.cut through something
(=cut across something)~ 사이로 길을 내다,가로지르다
30.trick somebody into doing something
…를 속여서 …하게 하다
31.they wouldn't budge
그들은 꿈쩍도 하지 않았다
32.wait something out
(좋지 않은 일이) 끝나기를 기다리다
끝까지 기다리다
33.cocky 자만심에 찬
*get cocky 건방지다
34.whatnot 명사 …인가 뭔가(이름을 모르거나 정확하지 않은 무엇을 가리킬 때 씀)
35.general idea개념
36.crash at one's place
집에 들이닥치다,(예고없이 와서)자다
37.make a run for it
필사적으로[급히] 도망치다
38.draw out 유인해내다,꾀어내다
39.truckload트럭 한 대 분량
40.hunt down
뒤쫓다, 추적하여 잡다
41.dive into 뛰어들다believe it or not
믿기 힘들겠지만 (이것은 사실이다)
42.pay the price for
...의 대가(代價) 를 치르다
43.lay out
동사 펼치다, 투자하다, 질책하다, 때려 눕히다, 설계[계획]하다. (=extend at length; spend, contribute; reprimand; knock down; arrange, plan, (autoLink search=)
(특히 재난사고로부터 재화의) 구조, (침몰선의) 인양
(재난사고에서) 구조[인양]한 물품들
동사 (난파선침몰선을) 구조[인양]하다, (조난화재 등에서 재산 등을) 구조하다[구하다]
(이미 어느 정도 손상된 평판자존심 등을) 지키다[회복하다]
1.英 어슬렁[어정]거리다, 빈둥거리다 (=potter)
2.동사 美 빌붙다, 빈대 붙다 (=cadge)
1. So of course THEY tagged along with us.
답글삭제2. I wanted to make up as much time as possible.
3. I want you to take manny with you.
4. I called Mom to tell her we were going to crash at Gramma’s for the night.
5. We were gonna have to make a run for it.
6. We totally paid the price for it.
* a fire extinguisher 소화기
* squirm out of 책임 등에서 벗어나다
* get cocky 거만하게굴다
* hunt down 뒤쫓다
* make a point 생각을 밝히다
* crash at one’s place ~의 집에서 자다
* reflective 반사적으로 반성하는
1.They tagged along with us.
답글삭제2.I was pretty satisfied with how much candy we took in.
3.Neither one of us let our guard down until we got to my driveway.
in a row 잇따라
squirm out of 책임감에서벗어나다
ruled out 제외시키다
fire extinguisher 소화기
on our heels 추적해오다
1. We were supposed to start trick-or-treating.
답글삭제2. He showed up around 6:30 wearing his costume.
3. We started to head out.
4. There was a catch when Mom gave me that costume.
5. Once Mom makes up her mind, there's no way you can change it.
6. They tagged along with us.
7. I was gonna start helping myself to his candy.
8. He opened fire.
9. I have to give Rowley credit.
10. Those guys were right in our heels.
11. I tried to trick them into leaving, but they wouldn't budge.
12. She said it was a school night.
In a row 잇달아, 연이어서
답글삭제And everything 등등, 다른 이러저런 것들
Head out 출발하다
There was no way 어림없는 일이다
Squirm out of 책임 등애서 벗어나다
Tag along with ~를 따라가다
Rule out 제외시키다
Make a point 주장을 밝히다
Help oneself to ~을 마음대로 쓰다
A bunch of 다수의
A fir extinguisher 소화기
Give credit 공로를 인정하다
Slammed on the brakes 급브레이크를 밟다
On our heels 따라가다, 추격하다
Budge 조금 움직이다
Wait out 끝까지 기다리다
Cocky 자만심에 찬, 건방진
General idea 개념
Draw out 꾀어내다
Drive into ~으로 뛰어들다
Let our guard down 긴장을 풀다, 방심하다
Lay out 펼치다
Salvage 구조하다
Mooch 빌붙다, 빈대붙다
1.I want you to take Manny with you.
답글삭제2.I should have known there was a catch when Mom gave me that costume.
3. Dad tried to squirm out of it. 벗어나다.
4. I have to give Rowley credit. 공로를 인정하다
5. The only place I could think of that was safe was Gramm's house, so we cut through a couple backyards to get there.
6. They wouldn't budge. 꼼짝않다
7. crash 잠을자다
8. It must've taken us a half hour to go 100yards.
9. mooch 빈둥거리다. 어슬렁거리다
and everything 등등
답글삭제head out 출발하다
should have p.p ~했어야 했는데 하지 못했다
catch 꿍꿍이
run into 우연히 누구를, 사람을 마주치다
tag along with ~를 따라가다
make up 보상하다
give credit 공로를 인정하다
on it's heels 따라가다
budge (부정문에서) 꼼짝하다
lay out 펼치다
head out 출발하다
답글삭제should have p.p ~했어야 했는데 하지 못했다
there is no way 어림없는 일이다
go along with ~와 함께 가다[하다]
run into 1) 우연히 누구를, 사람을 마주치다 2) 예상하지 못한 문제에 부딪히다
pass by 지나가다
give credit 공로를 인정하다
cut through ~사이를 가로지르다
sure enough 아니나 다를까
crash at one's place ~의 집에서 자다
dive into ...으로 뛰어들다
make it 성공하다, 해내다
let one's guard down 긴장을 풀다, 방심하다, 긴장을 늦추다
lay out 펼치다
1. In a row
답글삭제2. Head out 출발하다
3. You couldn’t even tell what he was supposed to be anymore.
4.there was no way
5. They tagged along with me.
6. Make a point
7. I was going start helping myself to his candy.
8. Sure enough
9. Neither one of us let our guard down until we got to my driveway.
10. Paid the price for it
1. I grabbed my pillowcase and me and Rowley started to head out.
답글삭제2. I was pretty satisfied with how much candy we took in.
3. I tried to trick them into leaving but they wouldn’t budge.
on its heels 따라가다 추격해오다
fire extinguisher 소화기
in a row 잇따라
spooky 으스스한
squirm out of 책임감에서 벗어나다
Catch 꿍꿍이
답글삭제Squirm out -에서 벗어나다
Ruled out 제외시키다
Open fire 발포하다
Slam on the brake 급 브레이크 밟다
On someone’s heels 추격해오다
Cut through 시야를 가로지르다
Get cocky 거만하게 굴다
Whatnot 뭔지, 뭔가
General idea 개념
Crash at 다른 사람 집에서 자다
Make a run for it 필사적으로 도망치다
Draw someone out 유인하다
Squirm out of
답글삭제Make up one’s mind
Rule out
Make a point
Give credit
On one’s heel
Get cocky
1. head out 출발하다 / take off 서둘러 떠나다
답글삭제2. I made him hold off for another forty-five minutes.
3. I told mom there is no way we were taking Manny with us.
4. the next thing I knew, 깨닫고보니
5. Dad tried to squirm out of it, but once Mom makes up her mind there's no way you can change it.
6. ruled out 배제하다
7. make a point 주장을 밝히다
8. I was gonna start helping myself go his candy.= just take it
9.cocky 거만하게 굴다 / whatnot 뭐 그런거
1.head out
답글삭제2.squitm out of if
3.slammed on the brakes.
4.getting cocky
5.make a run for it
1. There’s no way you can change it.
답글삭제2. I wanted to make up as much time as possible.
3. I was gonna start helping myself to his candy.
4. I was pretty satisfied with how much candy we took in.
5. I tried trick them into leaving but they wouldn’t budge.
6. So that meant we were gonna have to make a run for it.
* the next thing I knew 깨닫고 보니. 어느틈엔가
* squirm out of 책임에서 벗어나다.
* slam on the brakes 급 브레이크를 밟다.
* get cocky 거만하게 굴다.
* crash at one’s place ~의 집에서 자다.