매직북클럽 영어원서 Diary of a Wimpy Kid 윔피키드 Day 9

 Diary of a Wimpy Kid 그레그의 학교생활 일기, 재미있는 스토리를 읽으며 영어공부도 함께 해 봅니다. 영어원서는 영어공부를 효과적으로 하기 위한 좋은 방법입니다. 윔피키드는 미국 현지에서 사용하는 구어체 문장과 구동사 표현이 많아 영어회화 향상에 큰 도움을 줍니다. 

오늘의 이야기는 레슬링 수업과 학교 연극 오디션!

Diary of a Wimpy Kid 윔피키드 영어공부

Day 9(89-100p)

*hold somebody back 방해[저해]하다
I wasn't going to let that hold me back.(89p)

*decent 괜찮은, (상황에) 적절한
*jug (목이 짧고 주둥이는 작으며 손잡이가 달린) 항아리[단지], 병
*getup 옷차림, 복장
+) What's with the getup?
    옷차림이 왜 그래요?/ 웬 양복이야? 
When he showed up at my door wearing some ridiculous getup.(90p)

*reps 운동에서 특정 동작을 반복하는 횟수
+) set  특정 횟수의 reps를 그룹으로 묶은 것
+) Do 10 reps and 3 sets. 동작을 10번 반복하고 3 세트를 하세요.
That's what a good training is for, to push you beyond your limits.(91p)
*try out 시험해 보기, 테스트하기
*dedication 헌신, 전념, 헌정사
+) dedicate (시간·노력을) 바치다, 전념[헌신]하다
I decided to try out an experiment to test his dedication.(91p)
*phony 가짜의, 모조의, 사기꾼
*phony nose 가짜 코

Sure enough 아니나 다를까
He couldn't even get the barbell off his chest.
*help (동사) 돕다, 거들다, 도움이 되다 - 일반적인 도움
*help out (동사 + 부사:구동사) 강조
-다른 사람에게 도움을 주거나 협력을 제안
-누군가의 요청 또는 상황에 대한 반응으로 사용되며, 더 적극적인 협력을 의미
+) I will help you with your homework.
    네 숙제 도와줄게요.
+) Can you help out with the charity event this weekend?" 
    이번 주말에 자선 행사에 도와줄 수 있나요?
*get to (어떤 결과에) 이르다, 도착하다
I thought about helping him out, but then I realized that if Rowley didn't get serious about working out, he was never going to get to my level.(92p)
*sputter 식식거리며[더듬거리며] 말하다

*feel like ~ing ~을 하고 싶다
He didn't feel like working out anymore.(93p)
*pull something like that 그렇게 나오다
+)You pull something like that again, and I'll end this now.
   너가 다시 그렇게 나온다면. 나는 지금 이걸 끝낼거다.
I figured he'd pull something like that. 그렇게 나올지 대충 짐작했었다.
I guess you can't expect everyone to have the same kind of dedication as you.(93p)
*I have to say 내가 봤을 때는, 아무래도, 이 말은 꼭 해야겠는데
I have to say, I've been looking forward to this one for a long time.(93p)
I have to say, they came out pretty good.(47p)
*in the bag (성공·승리가) 확실시되는 
+) It's in the bag. 확실해, 장담한다
I knew I had this one in the bag.(93p)

미묘하지만 분명한 차이

‘get started’
뭔가 자꾸 미뤄졌다가 지체됐다가 지연됐다가 이제 시작되다 혹은 본격적으로 시작하다
회의라든지 학교에서 선생님들이 자꾸 다른 얘기를 한 5분씩 10분씩 하다가 “야야야~ 이제 시작하자” 이럴 때 “Let’s get started.” 
But right before the test got started, Patty Farrell piped up from the front of the room.
Patty told Mr. Ira that he should cover up the United States map before we got started.
*pipe 송신하다, 보내다, 파이프
*pipe up 말하기[지껄이기] 시작하다
*thanks to ~덕분에(비꼬는 어투), 때문에
*flunk 낙제하다, 시험에 떨어지다
So thanks to Patty, I ended up flunking the quiz.(94p)
*pay one's back 갚다
I will definitely be looking for a way to pay her back for that one.(94p)

*tryout 시험해보기, 테스트하기, (일종의) 오디션
+) throw-threw-thrown
Man, I should have thrown that thing out.
*the last thing 하고 싶지 않은 것, 정말 하기 싫은 것
The last thing I need is to have to sing a solo in front of the whole school.(95p)
But all my begging seemed to do was make Mom more sure I should do it.(95p)

*well-rounded 다재다능한, 전인격을 갖춘
*‘start’ 중성적
미묘하지만 분명한 차이

What time does the concert start?
(그냥 시스템적으로) 콘서트 몇 시에 시작하냐?
If I had to start going to play practices, it would totally mess up my weight-lifting schedule.

*take one's side 편들다

I knew that would make Dad take my side.
*no match for ~의 호적수가 안되는 
*be no match for 당할 수 없다
Dad was no match for Mom. 아빠는 엄마의 상대가 되지 못했다.
So that means tomorrow I've got to audition for the school play.(96p)
*try out for 지원하다
A lot of kids came wearing costumes for the parts they were trying out for.(96p)

*it was like 그게 약간...였어, 진짜 뭐랄까 그..., 마치
*freak 아주 기이한, 희한한, 별난
I've never even seen the movie, so for me, it was like walking into a freak show.
*tis: it is의 고어
*thee: you (2인칭 단수)의 고어
나의 조국 그대(미국 애국가)
*single out 뽑아내다, 선발하다, 선별하다 (=pick, choose)
I tried to sing as quietly as possible, but of course I got singled out, anyway.(97p)

*go on 계속되다
Tryouts went on forever.
*finale [fɪˈnæli] (쇼·음악 작품 등의) 마지막 부분, 피날레,  …한 마무리[대단원]
*grand finale 클라이맥스, 대단원, 장엄한 종말
*lead character 주인공
*but 그게 바로 (대조의 의미로 상반된 정보나 상황을 도입할 때 사용)
And who should try out first but Patty Farrell.(98p)
누가 제일 먼저 오디션을 봐야겠어, 그게 바로 패티 패럴이다, 패티 패럴말고 누가 있겠어
*there is ~가 있다
*with one's luck 이런 운세로는(부정적인 상황표현)
*would end up getting picked 결국 ~으로 뽑히게 될거다
With my luck, I'd end up getting picked to be the good one.(98p)

So lucky me. 운이 좋았어/그럼 그렇지 뭐(비꼬는 어투)
+) I found my lost wallet, so lucky me!" 
    분실한 지갑을 찾았어, 정말 운이 좋았어!
+) I got the last ticket to the concert, so lucky me!" 
    콘서트의 마지막 티켓을 얻었어, 정말 행운이었어!
+) I have to work overtime again tonight. So lucky me. 
    나 오늘밤에도 다시 야근해야 해. 그럼 그렇지 뭐.
-긍정/부정 모두 사용하나 비판적으로 더 많이 씀
*halfway through 중간에, 절반쯤
*figure out 
I figured out what part I wanted to sign up for.
*bean 머리를 때리다, 콩
+) bean ball 타자의 머리를 향한 투구
-야구 경기에서 투구가 고의적으로 타자의 머리를 겨냥해 던지는 공

*peg 상처주다, 때리다
I may actually have to thank Mom for making me do this play once it's all over.(100p)
*have a bone to pick with ~에게 따질 일이 있다, ~에게 불평이 있다, ~에게 할 말이 있다
I guess there are a lot of guys who have a bone to pick with Patty Farrell.(100p)

1.공부를 하고 오디오북을 들으면 훨씬 잘 들립니다. 반복해서 들으며 리스닝 실력을 향상시켜 봅니다.


2. 게시물 숙제

Diary of a Wimpy Kid를 읽고 기억하고 싶은 문장, 단어나 구문 등을 골라 댓글로 올려주세요. 

3. 녹음 숙제

카톡 기능을 이용하여 5분간  원서를 읽거나 단어나 주요문장을 반복해서 소리내어 읽어주세요.


  1. 1.let the sand leak out
    2.i knew I had this one in the bag.
    3. single out
    4.so lucky me
    5.getting to peg
    6.have a bone to pick with:-에게 따질일이 있다

  2. 1. I figured he'd pull something like that. But I guess you can't expect everyone to have the same kink of dedication as you.
    2. I knew I had this one in the bag.
    3. Mom said the only way I was going to be "well-rounded" was by trying different things.
    4. Who should try out first but Patty Farrell.
    5. I guess there are a lot of guys who have a bone to pick with Patty Farrell.

  3. 1. I figured he'd pull something like that.
    2. I knew I had this one in the bag.
    3. I guess you can't expect everyone to have the same kind of dedication as you.
    4. Dad was no match for Mom.
    5. It was like walking into a freak show.
    1 broomstick 빗자루
    2 dedication 헌신
    3 phony 가짜
    4. decent 괜찮은
    5 get up 옷차림
    6 ridiculous 엉뚱한
    7 reps 반복하는 횟수
    8 sputter 더듬거리며 말하다
    9 in the bag 장담하다
    10 pipe up 말하기 시작하다
    11 flunk 낙제하다, 떨어지다
    12 try out for 지원하다
    13 peg 상처주다
    14 have a bone to pick with~에게 따질일이 있다

  4. 1. I'm gonna have to take matters into my own hands.
    2. He showed up wearing some ridiculous getup.
    3. I knew I had this one in the bag.
    4. So thanks to Patty, I ended up flunking the quiz.
    5. Dad was no match for Mom.
    6. I got to singled out.
    7. So lucky me.
    8. They get to bean Dorothy with apples.
    9. Be careful what you wish for.

  5. I wasn't going to let that hold me back.
    hold me back
    reps 운동 특정 동작 반복 횟수
    Do 3 sets of this, with 10 reps.이런 식으로 동작을 10번씩 3세트 반복하시도록 할게요.
    he did about five reps.
    phony 모조의 가짜의
    gasp sputter 숨이 턱턱 막히다 헐떡거리다
    I knew I had this one in the bag.
    it is in the bag 장담해!!!
    he piped up from the front the room.
    pipe up 말하기 시작하다
    flunk 낙제하다
    I ended up flunking the quiz.
    I was going to be "well-rounded" was by trying different things.
    Dad was no match for Mom. * be no match 적수가 되지 않는다
    it was like,~
    single out 선출되다 I got singled out.
    I was hoping she would just cut me from the play.
    so lucky me. 내가 그렇지 뭐
    halfway through the movie.
    I guess there are a lot of guys who have a bone to pick with Patty Farrell.
    have a bone to pick with~~에게 할말이 있다.

  6. 1. I wasn’t going to let that hold me back.
    2. I decided to try out an experiment to test his dedication.
    3. He didn’t feel like working out any more.
    4. I figured he’d pull something like that.
    5. I should have thrown that thing out when I saw it on the kitchen table.
    6. All my begging seemed to do was make Mom more sure I should do it.
    7. Dad was no match for Mom.
    8. I was hoping Mrs Norton would just cut me from the play.
    * decent 적절한 괜찮은
    * dedication 헌신 전념
    * phony 가짜의
    * sputter 씩씩거리면 말하다
    * pull something like that 그렇게 나오다
    * would end up getting picked 결국 ~ 로 뽑히게 될거다

  7. 1.When he showed up at my door wearing some ridiculous getup.
    2.I decided to try out an experiment to test his dedication.
    3.I tried to sing as quietly as possible but of course I got singled out anyway.

    singled out 선출하다
    well rounded 다재다능
    pipe up 시작하다(말하기 일하기)
    have a bone to pick with ~에게할말이있어
    freak 별난

  8. I wasn’t going to let that hold me back.
    Hold somebody back 방해하다, 저항하다
    Decent 제대로 된, 괜찮은
    Getup 복장, 옷차림
    Hold up 지탱하다
    Dedication 헌신, 전념
    Phony 가짜의
    Get to 이르다, 도착하다
    Sputter 식식거리며 말하다
    Pull something like that 그렇게 나오다
    In the bag 확실히 되는
    Pipe up 말하기 시작하다
    Pay back 갚다
    The last thing 정말 하고 싶지 않은 것
    Be no match for 당할 수 없다
    Single out 선발하다, 뽑아내다
    Bean 머리를 때리다
    Have a bone to pick with ~에게 따질일이 있다

  9. 1. I want going to let that hole me back.
    2.let the sand leak out.
    3. I knew I had this one in the bag.
    4. So lucky me
    5. Getting to peg Patty Farrel with apples in front of a live audience would be my dream come true.
    6. Have a bone to pick with

  10. Rowley wasn't going to be as serious about weight lifting as I was,

    you can‘t expect everyone to have
    the same kind of dedication as you.

    I’ve been looking forward to this one for
    a long time.

    flunk 낙제하다, 시험에 떨어지다
    pay one's back 갚다

    Man, I should have thrown that thing out.

    All my begging seemed to do was make Mom more sure I should do it.

    Dad was no match for Mom.

    I've never even seen the movie, so for me, it was like walking into a freak show.

    With my luck, I'd end up getting picked to be the good one.

  11. Take matters into my own hands
    Hold back
    Pull something like that
    In the bag
    Pipe up
    No match for
    So lucky me
    Have a bone to pick with

  12. Hold back
    Pull something like that
    In the bag
    Pipe up
    The last thing
    Be no match for
    Single out
    So lucky me
    Have a bone to pick with

  13. decent 적절한, 괜찮은
    getup 옷차림, 복장
    sputter 식식거리며(더듬거리며)말하다
    I knew I had this one in the bag. 승리가 확실하다
    try out for 지원하다
    well-rounded 다재다능한
    go on 계속되다
    bean 머리를 콩 때리다

  14. 1. I leaned over and looked at him.
    2. I have to say 이말을 꼭 해야겠는데
    3. I had this one in the bag.
    4. I ended up flucking the quiz.
    5. The last thing I need is to have to sing in front of the whole school.
    6. I was trying to figure out what part I should play.
    7. I guess there are a lot of guys who have a bone to pick with Patty Farrell.
    8. I guess that rules out any apple-throwing.

  15. 1. When he showed up at my door wearing some ridiculous getup.
    2. I decided to try out an experiment to test his dedication.
    3. He was never going to get to my level.

    in the bag 확실히장담한다
    singled out 선출하다
    well rounded 다재다능한
    flunk 낙제하다
    dedication 헌신

  16. 1. When he showed up at my door wearing some ridiculous getup.
    2. He was never going to get to my level.
    3. I knew I had this one in the bag.
    4. Piped up from the front of this room.
    5. It was like walking into a freak show.
    * hold somebody back 방해하다.
    * phony nose 가짜코
    * sputter 식식거리면 말하다.
    * flunk 낙제하다.
    * well-rounded 다재다능한
    * lead character 주인공

  17. 1. There are a lot of guys who have a bone to pick with Patty Farrell
    2. Dad was no match for Mom.
    3. I knew that would make Dad take my side.
    4. I figured he'd pull something like that.
    5. He didn't feel like working out anymore.
    6. I wasn't going to let that hold me back.
    decent 괜챦은
    getup 복장
    reps 반복되는 횟수
    dedication 헌신
    in the bag 확실시 되는
    pip up 말하기 시작하다
    flunk 낙제
    tryout 오디션
    peg 상처주다, 때리다


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