영어원서 아몬드 영어원서 Almond Day 18


Day 18(59-62/199-211p)

*downpour 폭우
A downpour brought us into late autumn. 
*come to가 ~에 다다르다, 이르다
*come to a close 끝나다, 종료되다
Looking at the empty bookstore, I felt like a chapter of my life had come to a close.
*lingere 남아있다, 머물다
I turned off the light and breathed in the book smell that still lingered.
*ember (장작·숯이 타다 남은) 불씨
*rekindle 다시 불을 지피다
Suddenly a small ember was rekindled in my heart. 
*read between the lines 행간[속뜻]을 읽다, 숨은 의미를 찾다
I wanted to read between the lines. 
*engage in ~에 관여[참여]하게 하다
*be human 인간다운, 인간적으로 행동하다
I wanted to know more people, to be able to engage in deep conversations, and to learn what it was to be human.
*go out (불이) 꺼지다[나가다]
I wanted to tell her about my small ember before it went out.
"Do you think I could write someday? About myself?"
"Do you think I could make others understand me, even though I can't understand myself?"
*tickle 간지럽히다
Dora's eyes tickled my cheeks. 
*right below 바로 아래에
Before I knew it, she was right below my chin. Her breath touched my neck and my heart started pounding.
*syllable 음절
*inhale 들이마시다
*breath [breθ] 숨결, 입김, 숨
Each syllable from her full lips tickled my jaw. I inhaled deeply without meaning to, drinking in her breath.
*avert [əˈvɜːrt] 피하다, (~에서) 눈[얼굴]을 돌리다[외면하다]
But neither of us averted each other's gaze. 
+) He did his best to avert suspicion.
    그는 의심을 피하기 위해 최선을 다했다.
+) Skillful diplomacy helps to avert war. 
    능숙한 외교가 전쟁을 피하는 데 도움이 된다.
She moved closer to me, her eyes locked on mine.
*against (~에) 닿는, 붙어서
*brush against …에 살짝 닿다, 스치다; [문제 따위]에 부딪치다
Before I had time to think, her lips brushed against my lips.
*press into 누르다, 눌러대다
*breathe [briːð] (동사) 숨을 쉬다
*qualified 자격이 있는, 적임자
"Am I qualified to be in your story now?"
 "That's not a good enough answer."
*skip out 갑자기 떠나다, 빠져나가다
Then she skipped out the door.
*slump 털썩 앉다, 푹 쓰러지다, 급감[급락/폭락]하다(=drop)
*slump down 주저앉다, 무너지다
My knees gave up and I slowly slumped down. My head had emptied of thoughts, filled only with racing pulses. My whole body was beating like a drum. Stop it. Stop. You don't have to try so hard to prove that I'm alive.
*beat like a drum 북처럼 뛰다, 심장이 뛰다
*faint smile 희미한 미소
A faint smile ran across his face. 

*field trip 수학여행, 견학 여행, 현장 학습
*qualify as ~의 자격이 되다
*valid excuse 정당한 변명
Our school field trip was to Jeju Island. Some kids didn't want to go, but just because you didn't want to go did not qualify as a valid excuse. 
*as for somebody/something ~에 대해서 말하자면 (=regarding)
*look after 돌보다
As for me, I had to look after Mom, which was an excuse the school had to accept.
*substitute teacher 대리 교사, 임시 교사
*take attendance 출석을 부르다
As a formality, a substitute science teacher was there to take attendance.
*uneasy 불안한[불안정한], 어수선한, 뒤숭숭한, 불편한
*seem uneasy 불편해 보이다, 불안해 보이다
Three days passed, and the kids came back. For some reason, everyone seemed uneasy.
*be due back 돌아오기로 되어 있다, 반납하는 것으로 되어 있다
The night before the kids were due back, while everyone was asleep, the money that had been collected to buy class snacks had disappeared. 
+) When is it due back?
    반납일은 언제입니까? 
+) I’d like to renew a book that’s due back today.
   책 대출 기한을 연장하고 싶은데 오늘이 반납일이거든요.
*belongings 소지품, 개인의 물건들
*original amount 원래의 금액
It had half the original amount.
*plead [pliːd] (유죄·무죄라고) 답변하다, 애원하다, 변호하다
*plead innocence 무죄를 주장하다, 자신의 결백을 주장하다
*Alibi (범행 시간에 본인이 다른 곳에 있음을) 증명하는 자료나 목격자 등을 말합니다.
*sneak out 몰래 나가다, 살짝 나가다
+) sneak-snuck-snuck
*stay out 밤에 집에 안 들어오다
He had snuck out to the Jeju streets and stayed out until the following morning. 
+) I shouldn’t stay out too late.
    집에 너무 늦게 들어가지 않는 게 좋겠어.
+) Don’t stay out too late.
    집에 너무 늦게 들어가지 마.
*PC bang 피씨방, 인터넷 카페
*spent all night 밤을 새우다
A local PC bang owner was his witness. Gon had spent all night at the Internet cafe, playing games and drinking beer.
*plot 계획하다, 설계하다
*part of a group 그룹의 일원
Still, everyone said that Gon had stolen the money. Whether he had made someone else steal it or plotted the theft as part of a group didn't matter. It was Gon who did it. Everyone said so.
*summon 호출하다, (오라고) 부르다
*reimburse 배상[변제]하다, 변상하다
*bury in one's phones 핸드폰에 몰두하다, 핸드폰으로 메시지를 주고받았다
That afternoon, Professor Yun was summoned to the school. Kids said he had reimbursed all the money. They had their noses buried in their phones all day, texting one another. 
I didn't have to read their texts to know what they were gossiping about.

*come to ...에 이르다
*come to a head 정점[위기]에 이르다, 위기에 처하다, 상황이 더 나빠지다
Things came to a head several days later, during Korean class. 
*carry on 계속 가다[움직이다], 투덜대다 
The teacher ignored him and carried on with the class. 
*spit out 뱉다, 내뱉다
*parabola [pəˈræbələ] 포물선
*slam shut 쾅! 닫다, 탁 내리치다
*douchebag 쓰레기, 나쁜 놈, 불쾌한 사람, 얼간이
*swear at 욕을 하다
*be honest with oneself 솔직해지다
*for once 이번만은
Be honest with yourselves for once!
*bat an eye/eyelid  반응하다 = react 
+) I didn't bat an eye. 눈하나 깜빡하지 않다.
*not bat an eyelid 아무런 반응도 보이지 않다
*through decades of teaching 수십 년 동안 가르치며
The teacher didn't bat an eyelid, something he had possibly learned through decades of teaching. 
But said he felt nothing without batting an eyelash.(Day 12)
*chaos 혼돈, 소란/ 케이-아s
Chaos erupted in his wake. Silent chaos, in which each of us just stared down at our books.
*sly [slaɪ] 교활한, 음흉한, 다 알고 있다는 듯한 
*sly snicker 교묘한 미소와 함께 한 조소
*take a beat 맞다, 때리다
*two million won 2백만원
*taker (제의 등에) 선뜻 응하는 사람, 도전하는 사람
If you bleed, you get an extra five hundred. Two million for a broken bone. Any takers?
*be up for 기꺼이 ~을 하려고 하다
Aren't you little shits up for extra cash to buy snacks? 
*pussy 겁쟁이 (무서워하는 사람들을 비하하는 비속어)
*useless motherfucker 쓸모없는 놈, 무용지물(무례한 표현)
*disturb 불안하게 만들다, 방해하다
*disturbing 충격적인, 불안감을 주는
*twitch 떨리다, 경련하다
*about to cry 울려고 하는
Frankly, he looked like he was about to cry.
*crawl on four legs 네 다리로 기어가다
*beg for forgiveness 용서를 구하다
Should I fuckin' crawl on four legs and beg for forgiveness? 
*get one's hands on ~을 손에넣다, 손에 잡히다
Because Gon was hurling everything he could get his hands on.
+) Sadly the track is hard to get one's hands on. 
   슬프게도 그 트랙은 손에 넣기가 어렵다.
+) I wore everything I could get my hands on.
   입어볼 수 있는 옷 다 입어보고요.
*shrill [ʃrɪl] 꽥 소리 지르다, (요구 등이) 소리 높이 외치는[날카로운]
*eek [iːk] (감탄사) 이크, 에쿠(놀람·두려움을 나타냄)
*dissonant [|dɪsənənt] 불협화음적인, 조화되지 않은 
The shrilling eeks of the girls and the low, panicked uhhs of the boys created a strange dissonant chorus that pierced my ears.
*trash 부수다, 엉망으로 만들다, 맹비난하다
*in a matter of 불과 ~ 만에
*in a matter of seconds 순식간에
Gon trashed the classroom in a matter of seconds.
+) You can download the program in just a matter of seconds. 
    단 몇 초만에 그 프로그램을 다운로드 받을수 있어.
*timetables 수업시간표, 시간표
*mounted …에 고정시킨[붙인], 말을 탄
*the frames and timetables mounted on the wall 벽에 걸려있는 액자와 수업시간표
Desks and chairs were thrown upside down and the frames and timetables mounted on the wall hung crooked.
*shake up 흔들어 섞다, 개편하다
It was like Gon had grabbed the whole classroom and shaken it up. The kids stuck close to the wall as if there had been an earthquake.
*earsplitting 귀청이 찢어질 듯한, 천지를 진동하는
Just then, I heard a sound. Soft but clear, yet it was as earsplitting as a scream.
*piece of trash (비하적) 쓰레기 같은 놈
*get lost 꺼져, 사라져, (거절을 나타내어) 턱도 없어
*stir up 일으키다[유발/유도하다], 불러일으키다, 일게 하다
*where you belong 자신이 속한 곳이나 자리
"Get lost. Don't stir shit up here. Go back to where you belong."
I couldn't quite comprehend. 
*shoot up 높이 솟다, 총을 쏘다 
+) shoot-shot-shot
*flare 벌어지다, 펼쳐지다
*flared 코가 약간 벌어진 상태
주로 분노, 화남, 불안 등의 감정을 표현할 때 사용
Her eyebrows had shot up, and her nostrils were slightly flared.
*fling open 열어젖히다, 확 열리다, 세게 밀려 열리다
+) fling-flung-flung
*rush in 서둘러 들어오다
*slip out (조용히) 빠져나가다
Just then, the classroom door flung open as the homeroom teacher came rushing in, accompanied by several other teachers. But before they could do anything, Gon had already slipped out the back door. Nobody called him back or went after him. Not even me.

*bang on 두드리다
He carelessly banged on the empty bookshelves as he talked to me.
*player (여자를 잡는 데 능한 남자) 꾼, 선수
What a player. 
*stick up for …을 변호하다, 옹호하다(defend), 감싸다
How does it feel to have a girl who sticks up for you? 
+) If there's any trouble, I'll stick up for you. 
   문제가 생기면 내가 너를 변호해 줄게
+) Why didn't you stick up for me when those guys were putting me down earlier? 아까 쟤들이 나 무시할 때 왜 편들어 주지 않았어?
*strike dumb 놀라게 하다(amaze)
*be struck dumb 놀라서 말이 안 나오다, 말문이 막히다, 아연해하다
+) He was struck dumb. 
    그는 뜻밖의 일에 어안이 벙벙했다.
+) For a while, I was struck dumb by the news. 
    그 소식을 듣고 나는 한동안 아연했다
I was literally struck dumb when she told me to get lost. Lucky bastard, I'm jealous you're getting so much of what you can't even feel. 
*dismissive [dɪsˈmɪsɪv] 무시[멸시]하는 (=disdainful)
*tensed [ténst] 정신적으로 긴장한, 신경이 곤두선 
*get tensed up (정신적으로) 바짝 긴장하다
Hey, no need to get all tensed up, it's just you and me." 
*get to the point 핵심에 이르다, 요점을 언급하다
Finally getting to the point:
"Do you also think I did it?"
"You know I didn't even go on the field trip." 
"Well, it's possible that anyone who was there could've done it."
*by far 훨씬, 단연코
"And I'm by far the most likely one?"
+) Amy is the smartest by far. 
    에이미가 단연코 가장 똑똑하다.
+) By far the best dumplings I’ve ever had. 
    내가 여태까지 먹어본 중에 단연코 최고의 만두야.
+) I think personally this is the best one by far.
    저는 개인적으로 역대급이라고 생각해요.
*can't think of anyone else 다른 누굴 생각하지도 못하다
That's why I didn't bother insisting I was innocent. 
 I didn't want to waste my breath so I kept my mouth shut. But then that 'father' of mine just went right ahead and paid off the stolen money without even asking me.
*paid off the stolen money 훔친 돈을 갚아 버리다
*inflect (단어·언어가) 굴절하다
"But you know I didn't do it," he said, his tone inflecting slightly upward at the end of his sentence. 하지만 너는 나가 그걸(돈을 훔치지) 하지 않았다는 걸 알잖아. 그의 말투가 문장 끝에서 약간 높아진다.
*go by 지나가다[흐르다]
A beat of silence went by. 
*that's not my thing 그것은 내 취향이 아니야
"About what I should do to get strong. I could either study hard or work out and make myself strong. But you know, that's not my thing. It's too late. I'm too old."
As I looked at him, for a moment I really thought he might be right.
*go back 되돌아가다
Too old to go back.
*in one's own way ...만의 방식으로
So, I'm going to be stronger. In my own way. In the way that feels most natural to me.
I like to win. If I can't protect myself from being hurt,
I'd rather hurt other people."
*snigger [ˈsnɪɡə(r)] (기분 나쁘게) 킬킬[키득]거리다 (=titter)
Gon sniggered. 
We might not see each other from now on. So instead of a goodbye kiss, take this."That was the last time I saw him smile that way. Then he disappeared.
*tragedy 비극
*unfold 펼쳐지다
And then, tragedy unfolded rapidly.

1. 게시물 숙제
Almond를 읽고 기억하고 싶은 문장, 단어나 구문 등을 골라 댓글로 올려주세요. 

2. 녹음 숙제
카톡 기능을 이용하여 5분간  원서를 읽거나 단어나 주요문장을 반복해서 소리내어 읽어주세요.

3. 숙제를 마치고 출석부에 숙제완료 체크도 잊지마세요. 


  1. 1. A small ember was rekindled in my heart.
    2. Neither of us averted each other’s gaze.
    3. With a dismissive wave of his hand
    4. Gon trashed the classroom in a matter of second.
    5. I’m by far the most likely one?
    Downpour 폭우
    Linger 남아있다. 머물다
    Ember 붌씨
    Rekindle 다시 불을 지피다
    Avert 피하다
    Slump 털썩앉다. 급감하다
    Uneasy 불안한
    Plot 계획하다
    Summon 소환하다
    Reimburse 배상하다
    Drowsily 졸린듯이
    Parabola 포물선
    Douchebag 얼간이
    Sly 교활한
    Hurl 욕하다, 던지다
    Shrill 꽥 소리를 지르다
    Earsplitting 귀청이 찢어질 둣한
    Flare 벌어지다.
    Dismissive 무시하는 멸시하는
    Snigger 키득거리다

  2. 1. I felt like a chapter of my life has come to a close.
    2. I turned off the light and breathed in the boon smell that still lingered.
    4.rekindle:다시 지피다
    5. I wanted to tell her about my small ember before it went out.
    7. Slump down:주저앉다
    8. A faint smile ran across his face.
    9.carried on with the class.
    10.get lost
    11.stick up for:변호하다.
    How does it feel to have a girl who sticks up for you?
    13.and im by far the most likely one?
    14.he wore a soft smile
    15.and then, tradegy unfolded rapidly.

  3. 1. There were more and more things I couldn’t expect in life.
    2. Gon pleaded innocence.
    3. Whether he had made someone else steal it or plotted the theft as part of a group didn’t matter.
    4. I’m jealous you’re getting so much of what you can’t even feel.
    5. Are you asking me about the possibility?
    6. They have plenty of reasons to think so. They probably can’t think of anyone else.
    7. If I can’t protect myself from being hurt, I’d rather hurt other people.

  4. 1. suddenly a small ember was rekindled in my heart.
    2. Something had happened on the last day of the trip.
    3. And then, tragedy unfolded rapidly.
    downpour 폭우
    linger 남아있다
    rekindle 다시 불을 지피다
    ember 불씨
    qualified 자격이 있는
    avert 피하다
    slump down 주저앉다
    substitute 임시, 대리
    plot 계획하다, 설계하다
    summon 호출하다
    reimburse 배상하다
    tolerate 용납하다
    parabola 포물선

  5. 1. I wanted to know more people to be able to engage in deep conversations and to learn what it was to be human.
    2. As a formality a substitute science teacher was there to take attendance.
    3. That was the last time I saw him smile that way.
    Then he disappeared. And then tragedy unfolded rapidly.

    look after 돌보다
    downpour 억수같은비
    lingered 남아있다 머물다
    ember 불씨
    syllable 음절


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