매직북클럽 아몬드 영어원서 Almond Day 19


영어공부를 즐겁게 하면서 효과적으로 하는 방법이 바로 영어원서읽기입니다. 영어 원서를 읽으며 스토리 안에서 다양한 어휘와 표현을 자연스럽게 익힐 수 있습니다. 
Day 19(63-69/215-231p)

Part Four
*turn out 모습을 드러내다[나타나다] 
The real thief turned out to be someone else. 
*set someone up 함정에 빠트리다
His purpose was not the money, but to set someone up just to see how people would react. 
Thought it might be fun. 재미있을 것 같아서.
*stir up 일으키다[유발/유도하다], 불러일으키다, 일게 하다
*sooner or later 곧, 머지않아
But that didn't mean the kids felt sorry for Gon. Whatever; Yun Leesu would've stirred up trouble sooner or later: I glimpsed such messages over my shoulder in the chats on their phones.

*  *  *

*gaunt [ɡɔːnt] 수척한, 아주 여윈, 삭막한
Professor Yun looked gaunt, as if he hadn't eaten for days. 
His face was dark and gaunt.(Day 8)
I've never thought a beating would solve anything. But, but I beat Leesu. Twice. I couldn't think of any other way to stop him.
*settlement 합의, 타협
*make a settlement 합의하다, 타협하다 
I made a settlement with the restaurant owner.
Fortunately, no one was injured, and the matter was resolved. 
*things 형편, 상황
Things have changed a lot since Lees returned. I didn't even have the time to grieve over my wife's death. 
*dream of ~을 꿈꾸다
She might have dreamed of a home where all of us lived together.
When sadness and disappointment get out of control, and there is no solution, people start thinking bad thoughts. I did too ... I often imagined what it would've been like if he wasn't here, if he'd never come back.
 I've actually thought that things might've been better than they are now if we'd never had him, if that boy had never been born. 
*(own) flesh and blood 피붙이, 혈육, 친족 
I've had such terrible thoughts about my son, my own flesh and blood.
A man who absolutely hated causing others any trouble, so much so that he couldn't bear his own flesh and blood completely going against his steadfast philosophy.(Day 10)
Oh my, I can't believe I just told you all this ..
*tears streak down 눈물이 흘러내려가다
Tears streaked down his neck and rolled onto his sweater. 
*make out (소리가) 들리다, 이해되다
Soon he was sobbing so hard I couldn't make out what he was saying. 
"Because Gon is a good kid."
*treat (someone) like that (누군가를) 그렇게 대하다
How could you still treat him like that? After everything he did to you.
But if someone asked me to talk about him in more detail, I'd only be able to say that he beat me and hurt me, he ripped apart a butterfly, he set his face against the teachers, and threw things at my classmates. 
*talk about (someone) in more detail ...에 대해 더 자세히 얘기하다
*only be able to say 말할 수밖에 없다
+) Then she won't be able to say anything.
     그럼 할 말이 없을 거예요.
+) I don't know if I'm able to say this.
     이런 말 해도 될지 모르겠지만.
*rip apart ~을 갈가리 찢다, (슬픔·고통으로) 괴롭게 하다
*set one's face against …을 외면하다,  ...와 대립[강경히 반대]하다
+) Her father had set his face against the marriage. 
    그녀의 아버지는 그 결혼에 단호히 반대했었다.
So, I simply said, "I just know he is."
Professor Yun smiled at my words. The smile lasted for about three seconds and suddenly broke. Because he started crying again.
"Thank you, for thinking of him that way."
"Because I feel sorry I couldn't think of him the same way. 
"If you ever hear from him, could you give him my words? To please come back?"
"Well, I'm embarrassed to say this as an adult." 
*one after another 잇따라서
But things happened one after another without stopping. 
+) You made one bad decision after another.
넌 잘못된 결정을 잇따라서 했어​.
+) Weird things happened one after another. 
이상한 일들이 꼬리에 꼬리를 물고 일어났다.
*devote attention to ...에 주의를 쏟다
And I had no time to devote attention to and care for each one. I would like another chance to get things right this time.
*  *  *
*go back in time 과거로 돌아가다
Yun could go back in time, would he have chosen not to have Gon?
If you think about it that way, then it would've been better if Gon had never been born. 그렇게 생각하면 Gon이 태어나지 않았으면 더 좋았을 것이다.

                                              *  *  *

*wide awake 완전히 깨어 있는, 정신이 말똥말똥한
It was early dawn, but I was still wide awake. I had something to tell Gon.

*red-light district 홍등가, 윤락가
The school he went to was in the middle of a red-light district.
*seediness 부도덕한, 추잡한 느낌
+) seedy [ˈsiːdi] 지저분한, 더러운(비도덕적이거나 불법적인 일과 연관되어 있을 가능성이 있음을 나타냄) 
It was surprising that anyone would ever decide to build a school there, of all places. Maybe the seediness of the district developed after the school was built, but still. 그런 곳에 학교를 짓겠다고 결정한 사람이 있다니 놀랍기만 하다. 어쩌면 학교가 지어진 후에 더 안좋은  곳이 되었을지도 모르지만 말이다.
*students who looked nothing like 학생답지 않게 생긴 학생들
*prowl [praʊl] (특히 범행 대상을 찾아) 돌아다니다[배회하다], 어슬렁거리다
*prowl around 배회하다, 돌아다니다
*shove 밀치다
A few kids prowling around the school entrance shoved me on my way in. 
*skewer [ˈskjuːə(r)]  (요리용) 꼬치[꼬챙이]
He was skinny and his shadow looked like a skewer.
*prod 찌르다, 밀어붙이다.
At his nod, the other kids began taking turns prodding my ribs and searching my pockets.
*Goody-Two-Shoes 범생이, 바른생활 사나이, 성인군자인것처럼 하는 사람 = goody-goody
"What does a Goody Two-shoes like you want with me?"
 A goody-goody; a person who is exceptionally good and perhaps self-satisfied.

"The story of little Goody-Two-Shoes"라는 동화에서 유래된 말로, 신발이 한 짝 밖에 없는 소녀에게 어느 신사가 신발을 선물해 주면서 시작됩니다. 처음에는 착한 사람이라는 의미였지만 요즘에는 너무 과하게 착하고 바른 사람으로 보이려고 애쓰거나 그로 인해 다른 사람에게 피해를 주는 사람을 이를 때 씁니다. 

1. 모범생을 비꼬는 표현, 범생이
The student comes across as a Goody-Two-Shoesperson. 
그 학생은 모범생처럼 보인다. 

2. 바른 생활 사나이 
He used to be known as a Goody-Two-Shoes. 
그는 바른 생활하는 사람으로 알려져 있다.

Charlotte's such a Goody-Two-Shoes.(Wonder 139p)
Charlotte, for all her Goody-Two-Shoeing, doesn't ever do more than nod hello when she's passing him in the hallway.(Wonder 144p)
"Gon isn't around. I thought you might know where he is. Don't worry, whatever you say, I won't tell the grown-ups."
"That bastard must've gone to Steel Wire. I'm telling ya, I have nothing to do with this. 
*out of one's league …의 수준을 벗어나는, 넘볼 대상이 안 되는
*be out of one's league ~의 능력 밖이다
Steel Wire is out of my league. I'm still a student, after all. 
+) You are out of our league.
    클래스가 다르시네요.
+) The man is out of the league for the woman. 
     남자가 아까운 커플이다. 
*roll off the tongue 말하기[발음하기] 쉽다, 자연스럽게 말하다
"Where is he?" I simply asked, as the name Steel Wire didn't roll off the tongue yet.
"Why? You gonna go after him? I don't recommend it."
*curtly 무뚝뚝하게, 퉁명스럽게
"Yes," I replied curtly. 
*fool around (할 일을 안 하고) 노닥거리다놀다, 시간을 보내다
I had no time to fool around. 
Although it'll be useless.
*swagger 으스대며 걷다, 거만하게 걷다
Steamed Bun made a gun with his fingers, pointed it at my head, and mouthed bang, before he swaggered out of sight.

*speak up (~을 지지·옹호하기 위해) 거리낌 없이 말하다, 큰 소리로 말하다
"I didn't know you were close to Leesu. If I had known, I wouldn't have said that to him. Still, someone needed to speak up and stop him."
*wrap one's head around 이해하고 받아 들이다, 잘 이해하다
"I still can't wrap my head around it. How did you end up becoming friends with someone like him . .." she mumbled.
+) I can't wrap my head around it. 
    이해 못 하겠어.
Someone like him. Yes, that was what everybody must've thought of Gon.

*sneak 몰래 빠져나가다(나오다), 몰래 움직이다, 훔치다
*sneak into 몰래 들어가다, ~를 살며시/살살 들어가다, ~에 은밀히 들어가다
 I sneaked into the farmer's market as if I was being pushed by the wind. 
*be in line 줄을 서다
*sweet-and-sour chicken 단짠치킨
People were in line for a popular sweet-and-sour chicken place.
It turned out Steamed Bun wasn't great at giving directions.
*wander 방황하다, 목적 없이 떠돌다
*stumble into 우연히 들어가다, 우연히 발이 닿다
*dizzying 어지럽게 만드는, 어지러운, 아찔한
*tangle (혼란스럽게) 꼬인[엉망인] 상태, 헝클리다, 헝클어지다
*dizzying tangle 혼돈스러운 뒤얽힘: 혼란스러운 상태
It was a dizzying tangle and I went wherever my feet took me.
*settle quickly  빨리 정착하다,  빠르게 안정되거나 자리를 잡다
Darkness in winter settled quickly. 
+) She quickly settled in at her new job.
    그녀는 새 일자리에서 빨리 자리가 잡혔다.
Then the sound was layered with a few more voices and laughter. 
*shoddy [ˈʃɑːdi]  조잡한 (=second-rate), 허름한, 부정직한, 부당한
*snicker 낄낄거리다, 히죽이다, 비웃음 소리 (=snigger)
 It was a shoddy iron gate, swaying in the wind. I heard snickers. 
*creep down one's spine 살금살금 등골을 타고 내려오다, 오싹한 느낌이 들다
Suddenly, a strange chill crept down my spine. I tried to think of a word that would describe the feeling. This was familiar. But I couldn't think of the word.
*rush out 밖으로 쏟아져 나오다, 빠르게 나오다, 돌진하다
Just then, the gate creaked open and a group of kids came rushing out.
*vanish into the night  어둠 속으로 사라지다
*creep over someone 스쳐 가다, ...에게 ~한 느낌이 들게 하다
Again, a familiar feeling crept over me.
*showing me where to go 어디로 가야 하는지 나에게 보여주는
*pad 소리 안나게 [조용히] 걷다, 패드를 대다, 완충제
*pad down 살며시 내려가다, 조용히 발을 디디며 내려가다
I padded down the stairs in the dark. 
*latch (열쇠로 여닫는) 자물쇠, 걸쇠를 걸다, 걸쇠로 잠그다

*rustiness 녹슴
I could open it from my side but the rustiness took me some time. 
There was clutter everywhere. 
*heaps of junk 쓰레기 더미
*shabby [ˈʃæbi] 허름한 (=scruffy),  추레한, 부당한, 터무니없는 
*hideout [ˈhaɪdaʊt] 비밀 은신처, 아지트
Heaps of junk were littered in the dirty, shabby room. It looked like a secret hideout but I couldn't guess what was going on inside.
*hug one's knees 무릎을 끌어안다
*ragged [ˈræɡɪd] 누더기가 된, 다 해진 (=shabby), 누더기를 걸친
He sat hugging his knees on the floor. Small, pitiful Gon, more ragged than he had been, and alone.
*Dejà vu 데자뷰, 과거에 비슷한 경험을 한 듯한 느낌
Dejà vu. That was the term I had been searching for.
*course through one's mind 머릿속을 스쳐 지나가다
Family Game coursed through my mind.
*embrace [ɪmˈbreɪs] (껴)안다, 포옹하다 (=hug)
The moment when Mom pulled me into a tight embrace at the police station.
*fast-forward 빨리 감기(비유적으로 미래로 빨리 가다라는 의미)
*collapse 주저앉다, 기절하거나 힘없이 주저앉다
Now was not the time to think of those things. Because before me was not the shopkeeper's dead son, but Gon, who was still alive.

*spit out (역겨워하며) 내뱉다
*gruff [ɡrʌf] 걸걸한, 거친
He barely spat out in a gruff voice. 
*seize 와락[꽉] 붙잡다[움켜잡다], (흔히 폭력을 써서) 장악하다, 점령하다
*chuck (아무렇게나) 힘껏 던지다, ~을 그만두다[중단하다]
Gon seized an empty can next to him and chucked it. The can flew through the air, hit the dusty ground, and spun a few times.
*burst into 갑자기 ~하다
*throw back one's head 고개를 뒤로 젖히다(크게 웃거나 울 때 하는 행동)
*cut...short ~을 끊다
He spat words like "You think I'll thank you for this?" I cut his laughter short.
*suit 어울리다
*It doesn't suit you 네게 어울리지 않아.
"Don't laugh like that. It doesn't suit you. It doesn't even sound like laughing."
*mind one's own business 자기 일만 신경 쓰다[남의 일에 상관하지 않다]
I'll do what I wanna do and be where I wanna be so why don't you mind your own business, you fucking psycho.
Who do you think you are? 네가 뭐라도 된다고 생각해? 
-상대방이 뭔가 되는 마냥 [주제넘는] 행동하거나 말할 때 쓰는 말
*drastically 대폭, 격렬하게, 맹렬하게, 강렬하게, 극적으로
*alter [ˈɔːltə(r)] 변하다, 달라지다; 바꾸다, 고치다, (옷을) 고치다
*altered 바뀐
A black shadow had settled on his now-rough skin. Something had drastically altered him.
*act all cool 멋져 보이려고 하다
Don't act all cool. 
"Get the fuck out of here while you can. Before it's too late."
"Do you think enduring all this will make you strong? This isn't strong. It's just pretending to be."
*preach 설교하다, 가르치다
Who are you to be fucking preaching at me?" 
*contort [kən|tɔːrt] 뒤틀리다, 일그러지다; 뒤틀다, 일그러뜨리다


*bucket hat 벙거지

His face was barely visible, as he had on a mask. 
"How did your friend find this place? Forget that, why is your friend here?"
"To get Gon."
*folded in half 반으로 접힌
His long shadow folded in half too.
"I think you've got the wrong idea, kid. You think you're some kind of a hero?" 
*come across as ~처럼 보이다, 인상을 주다, 어떠한 태도나 인상을 풍기다 = to seem to be = come off as someone or something
His tone was soft, it could even come across as friendly, if you didn't pay attention to what he was actually saying.
+) He comes across as (being) a good speaker.
    그는 말을 잘하는 사람으로 보입니다.
+) He came across as a nice guy.
    그는 좋은 사람으로 보였습니다.
+) She comes across as very friendly. Plus she seems like an easy-going person. 정말 친절한 인상을 주더라. 게다가 참 느긋한 성격인 것 같았어.
"I'm taking Gon home," I repeated. "Let him go."
There's no way I'm leaving with that asshole.
Friendship only lasts so long. It's just a word. There are many meaningless words out there.
*blade (칼 등의) 날
Every time its blade reflected the light, it glinted with a blinding flash.
"Have a go at it." 한번 해 보셔.
*take it easy 무리하지 않다
This is just your first time, so you don't have to go all the way.
"Take it easy and just have fun with it."
*iconic beauty 상징적인 아름다움
It took me a second to realize whose face it was either Michelangelo's David or one of the many faces known for their iconic beauty I'd seen in textbooks. 
God had given the face of an angel to the wrong person.

youth detention center 소년원
*exploit [ɪkˈsplɔɪt] 위업, 공적, (부당하게) 이용하다, 착취하다
*saga [ˈsɑːɡə] (특히 노르웨이·아이슬란드의) 영웅 전설, 대하소설
*exploits and sagas 행적, 경력
Steel Wire's exploits and sagas were so extreme and dangerous that they were discussed only in private. 
According to one rumor, Steel Wire had gotten his nickname because he used a steel wire for one of his crimes. 
*recite [rɪˈsaɪt] (열거하듯) 죽 말하다, 나열하다, 암송[낭송/낭독]하다
*reciting the biography 전기를 떠올리듯 자세하게 얘기하다
I remember Gon telling me about Steel Wire at great length as if he were reciting the biography of some great man.
*blend in (with something/somebody) 조화를 이루다, (주위 환경에) 섞여들다
*blend in with society 사회에 녹아들다, 사회에 적응하다
Steel Wire thought it was boring to work for other people and blend in with society. 
*map out 계획을 세우다, 구상하다
In fact, he had mapped out his own road.
*reach a point …의 수준[지점]에 달하다
*reach a point where no one had gone before 아무도 가보지 않은 지점에 도달하다, 전례가 없는 영역에 다다르다
A road that reached a point where no one had gone before.
*captivate [ˈkæptɪveɪt]  …의 마음을 사로잡다[매혹하다] (=enchant)
*be captivated by 매혹되다, 매료되다, 넋을 빼앗기다
I didn't quite understand it, but apparently many kids were captivated by that strange world, and Gon was one of them.
*legalize guns 총기 소유를 합법화하다
*spree [spriː] (범행을) 한바탕 저지르기, 흥청망청 하기, 흥청거리기
*shooting spree 총기 난사, 총격 사태
*wipe out 완전히 없애다, 소멸시키다
*shitty people 엿 같은 놈들, 나쁜 사람들
Steel Wire thinks this country should legalize guns like in the U.S. and Norway, so we can have shooting sprees sometimes. That way we can wipe out the shitty people all at once. 
The day when he told me everything about himself.

1. 게시물 숙제
Almond를 읽고 기억하고 싶은 문장, 단어나 구문 등을 골라 댓글로 올려주세요. 

2. 녹음 숙제
카톡 기능을 이용하여 5분간  원서를 읽거나 단어나 주요문장을 반복해서 소리내어 읽어주세요.

3. 숙제를 마치고 출석부에 숙제완료 체크도 잊지마세요. 


  1. 1. I still can’t wrap my head around it.
    2. Have a go at it.
    3. God had given the face of an angel to the wrong person.
    Glimpse 잠깐 봄
    Gaunt 수척한
    Seediness 부도덕한, 추잡한
    Prowl 돌아다니다, 배회하다
    Skewer 꼬챙이
    Prod 찌르다
    Curtly 무뚝뚝하게
    Shoddy 조잡한, 허름한
    Snicker 낄낄거리다
    Latch 자물쇠, 걸쇠를 걸다
    Gruff 걸걸한, 거친
    Chuck 힘껏 던지다
    Contort 뒤틀리다
    Blade 칼 날
    Exploit 위업, 공적
    Saga 영웅전설
    Spree 한바탕 저지르기

  2. 1. A few kids prowling around
    2.what does a Goody Two-shoes like you want with me?
    3.before he swagger Ed out of sight.
    4.i still can't wrap my head around it.
    5.the sea breeze was salty and fishy.
    6.have a go at it.
    7.God had given the face of an angel to the wrong person.

  3. 1. The real thief turned out to be someone else.
    2. When sadness and disappointment get out of control,and there is no solution,people start thinking bad thought.
    3.I’ve had such terrible thoughts about my son,my own flesh and blood.

    devote attention ~에 주의를쏟다
    prowling around 배회하다
    roll off the tongue 쉽게말하다
    curtly 무뚝뚝하게
    swagger 거만하게걷다


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