매직북클럽 영어원서 챌린지 Almond Day 20
10월 매직북클럽에서 함께 했던 영어원서 Almond를 마무리하는 날입니다. 감정을 느끼지 못하는 주인공, 윤재의 이야기에 푹 빠진 10월이었습니다. 흡입력있는 내용뿐 아니라 공부하기 좋은 영어문장이 많아 도움 또한 많이 되었습니다.
Almond 마무리 잘해주세요.
한 달간 매직북클럽에 참여하시느라 수고많으셨습니다.
한 달간 매직북클럽에 참여하시느라 수고많으셨습니다.
Day 20(70-End/233-End)
*waver [ˈweɪvə(r)] (불안하게) 흔들리다, 약하다, 약해지다, 망설이다
*wavering [wéivəriŋ] 흔들리는, 펄럭이는, 떨리는, 주저하는
+) He is wavering between two options.
그는 두 가지 안을 놓고 망설이고 있다
+) He's wavering on whether to change jobs or not.
그는 직장을 바꿀지 말지 망설이고 있다.
*pupil [ˈpjuːpl] 눈동자, 동공, 문하생[제자]His wavering pupils glistened like large marbles.
Her pupils radiating a light brown hue.(Day 15)
Her pupils even seemed to move, however weakly.(Day 16)
*cut someone short[off] 말허리를 꺾다, [말]을 가로막다
"Let me just ask you this. Is this what you really want?" I asked quietly. But one of Gon's things is cutting someone short.
The response cut me short, because I didn't even realize I had hit send.(Day 6)
*boast [boʊst] 뽐내다, 자랑하다, 뽐냄, 자랑
*boast of 자랑하다
+) I don’t want to boast, but I can actually speak six languages. 뽐내고 싶진 않지만 저는 사실 6개 언어를 할 줄 알아요.
+) He didn't boast of his success.
그는 자기 성공에 대해서 자랑하지 않았다.
There are kids who boast of how young they were when they started stealing and fooling around with girls, and what landed them in the juvenile center.
*rite [raɪt] 의식[의례]
*rite of passage 통과 의례, 성장의 의식, 특별한 경험
*token 표시, 징표, 상품권, 교환권, 형식적인, 예고성의
*in that sense 그러한 점[의미]에서, 그러한 면에서
They need such stories or tokens to be accepted into their gangs. Gon enduring the beatings from the other kids was perhaps a rite of passage in that sense. 그런 이야기나 징표가 있어야 갱단에 들어갈 수 있다. 다른 아이들의 구타를 견뎌내는 것은 그런 의미에서 통과의례였을 것이다.
*manifestation [ˌmænɪfeˈsteɪʃn] 징후[표명], 표현, 나타남
*vulnerability 취약성, 약점
*long for 갈망하다, 열망하다
But to me, all those things were only proof of their weakness. It was a manifestation of their vulnerability because they longed for strength.
*immature 성장하지 않은, 미숙한
*softie 연약한 사람, 감정적으로 약한 사람
*pretend to be ~인 척하다, ~인 척을 하다
The Gon I knew was just an immature fifteen-year-old boy. A weak softie who just pretended to be strong.
*prick 찌르다, 찔리다
A nail on the wall must've pricked my leg, because it was bleeding. Gon saw and started weeping like a child.
*tear up 눈물이 나다, 울다
*drop of blood 피 한 방울
*feel pain for 다른 사람의 고통을 공감하다, 느끼다
Yes, this was who he was. The kind of person who tears up at a drop of blood, who feels pain for others' pain.
"I told you, you're not that kind."
*turn one's back on 등을 돌리다, 뒤돌다
"Good for you ... Fucking good for you that you feel nothing. I wish I could be the same ...
*get out of here 여기서 떠나다, 떠나자
*cuss at ...에게 욕을 퍼붓다, 욕을 하다
*way out 탈출 수단, 해결 방법
As if this were his only way out. He cussed like a barking dog.
*by no means 결코 …이 아닌
But I knew he was by no means acting out of kindness.
"Okay, let's see what you've got."
*be hard on ~을 심하게 대하다, ~을 가혹하게 대하다
"Don't be hard on yourself if you can't take it. It just proves you're human."
+) It happens. Don't be so hard on yourself.
그럴수도 있지. 자책하지마!
+) It's not your fault. Don't be so hard on yourself.
네 잘못이 아냐. 너무 자책하지마!
Gon shut his eyes tight as Steel Wire walked closer to me. I didn't close my eyes. I looked straight at what would become of my reality.
People later asked me why I hadn't run away.
*until the end 끝까지, 마지막까지
Why I'd stayed until the end. I told them I'd only done what was easiest for me, the only thing someone who can't feel fear could do.
* * *
*fluorescent [flo͝oˈres(ə)nt] 형광성의
*flicker (불빛 등이) 깜빡이다, 깜빡거리다
*on and off 때때로, 불규칙하게
*slip 빠져나가다, 미끄러지다, 작은 실수, (작은 종이) 조각, 쪽지
*slip in and out of consciousness 의식이 번쩍이다
Like a fluorescent light flickering on and off, I slipped in and out of consciousness.
*intensity of pain 고통의 강도
*fully shut down 완전히 끝나다, 종료되다
Painful enough to think it was unfair that I still hadn't fully shut down.
*glimpse 힐끔 쳐다보다, 언뜻, 잠깐의 모습, 잠깐 보이는 모습, 힐끔 보임
*in a blur 흐릿하게, 뚜렷하지 않게
*in error 잘못된
I saw glimpses of Gon. Sometimes in a blur, sometimes clearly. My brain must've been in error.
*place without oxygen 숨쉬기 어려운 상황
*smudge 자국[얼룩]을 남기다, 번지게 하다[번지다], 자국, 얼룩
*smudged with tears 눈물로 얼룩진
*wail [weɪl] (슬픔·통증 때문에) 울부짖다, 통곡하다, 흐느끼다
Gon's face was smudged with tears. He was wailing.
*worn out 지친, 다 썩은, 기진맥진한
I was already worn out.
*flash into one's mind 갑자기 생각나다, 불현듯 떠오르다
The memory flashed into my mind.
+) When I’m doing a reading things flash into my mind.
책을 읽고 있던 중 마음 속에 무언가 문득 떠올랐다.
*tear off 떼어내다, 찢어내다
The day when Gon had torn off the butterfly's wings, when he'd tried to teach me empathy but couldn't. 곤이 나비의 날개를 떼던 그 날, 곤은 나에게 공감을 가르쳐주려 했지만 그러지 못했던 날.
*dusk 황혼, 해질녘
*smear 얼룩지다(=smudge), 번지게 하다[번지다]
*remain 남은 부분, 잔해
*remains of the butterfly 나비의 잔해
Around dusk that day, Gon cleaned the remains of the butterfly smeared on the ground, crying all the while.
그날 해질 무렵, 곤은 땅에 묻은 나비의 잔해를 치우며 내내 울었다.
*full of emotions 감정이 풍부한, 감정이 많이 있는
*make a good artist or a musician 좋은 예술가나 음악가가 되다
"That's not something anyone can just do. Besides, you are too full of emotions. I think you'd rather make a good artist or a musician," I'd said after some thought.
*vapor [ˈveɪpə(r)] 수증기, 증기
That day had been in the summer, unlike now when every gasp of pain came out as white vapor. 그날은 여름이었다, 모든 고통의 숨소리가 하얀 증기처럼 뿜어져 나오는 지금과는 달랐다.
*lush 무성한, 우거진 (=luxuriant), 멋진, 비싸 보이는
The peak of summer. Summer. Had that day really existed? When everything was green and lush and full? Everything we'd experienced together, was it truly real?
* * *
*go through one's mind 생각하다
At first, I wondered what went through that man's mind when he stabbed Granny.
+) I had all sorts of thoughts going through my mind.
별 생각이 다 들더라고요.
+) All kinds of thoughts went through my mind like a flash.
여러 가지 생각이 주마등처럼 뇌리를 스치고 지나갔다.
*pretend not to know 모른 척 하다, 알지 못하는 척하다
*make of (상황 등을) 이해하다, 해석하다, …을 생각하다, …로 만들다
But that question led to another one. Why did people know yet pretend not to know? I had no idea what to make of them.
+) What do you make of it?
어떻게 생각하세요?
+) I don't know what to make of it.
난 그것을 어떻게 생각해야 좋을지 모르겠다.
*lock on 고정되다, 응시하다
My eyes were locked on the boy behind his smile.
*even a fool like me 나 같은 바보도, 나 같이 어리석은 사람조차도
Even a fool like me can see the boy's hurt.
*smile with one's back turn on 등을 돌리고 웃다
*a tragedy that's too distant 너무 먼 비극
*flip through the channels 채널을 돌리다, 텔레비전 채널을 바꾸며 보다
Mom would say, A tragedy that's too distant cannot be "your" tragedy.
*choir 합창단, 성가대/ 쿠와이얼
*give an interview 인터뷰를 하다
*thrash [θræʃ] 때리다, 몸부림치다, 허우적거리다, 요동치다
*thrash around 난동을 부리다
They were too close to use the excuse that it was "a distant tragedy." I remembered one of the witnesses, a choir member, giving an interview. He said that the man was thrashing around in a craze, so the witness was too scared to get any closer.
*shut one's eyes to ~에 눈을 감다, 무시하다
*stand up for ~를 지지하다, 옹호하다, 대신 서다
People shut their eyes to a distant tragedy saying there's nothing they could do, yet they didn't stand up for one happening nearby either because they're too terrified.
Ricky was mean to me, and I didn't stand up for Halmoni or myself, and now I'm fetching him a pudding.(WYTT 30-211p)
+) Why didn't you stand up for me back there?
아까 왜 나를 옹호해주지 않았어?
*feel but don't act 감정을 느끼지만 행동하지 않는다
*sympathize 동정을 표하다, 공감하다
*the way I see it 내가 보기에, 내 의견으로는
Most people could feel but didn't act. They said they sympathized, but easily forgot. The way I see it, that was not real. I didn't want to live like that. 대부분의 사람들은 감정을 느끼지만 행동하지 않는다. 그들은 '공감한다'고 말하지만 쉽게 잊어버린다. 내가 보기에, 그건 진짜가 아니다. 나는 그렇게 살고 싶지 않았다.
* * *
*slip out of 미끄러져 나오다, 빠져 나오다
*deep, intense howl 깊고 강렬한 울부짖음
*pit [pɪt] (크고 깊은) 구덩이, (움푹 패인) 자국[구멍]을 남기다
*rise from the pit of one's stomach 복부 깊숙한 곳에서 일어나다, 속에서 울리다
*rusty cogwheel 녹슨 톱니바퀴
*creak into motion 움직이며 스르르 소리를 내다
*never good at 잘하지 못하다
Why was he trying so hard to do what he was never good at?
*tug (세게, 흔히 여러 번) 잡아당기다[끌어당기다]
*at the tip of one's tongue 하마터면 말이 나올 뻔하여, 말이 입끝에서 뱅뱅 돌 뿐 생각이 안 나는
The word "pitiful" kept tugging at the tip of my tongue.
"Is this all you've got? All right. Then don't you regret it," said Steel Wire, his eyes locked on Gon.
*snatch [snӕtʃ] 와락 붙잡다, 잡아채다, 잡아뺏다, 움켜쥐다, 강탈하다
It was the knife he had handed to Gon earlier. Before either of us could do anything, Steel Wire brought it to Gon's throat. But he didn't get a chance to hurt Gon.
*take the blow 일격을 가하다
*the end of it all 모든 것의 끝
Because it was me who took the blow of the knife. Because that was the end of it all.
*ooze (걸쭉한 액체가[를] 천천히) 흐르다[흘리다], 스며들다
*pass out 의식을 잃다[기절하다] (=faint)
Red liquid, the warm, sticky essence oozed swiftly out of my body. I passed out shortly.
"Don't die. I beg you. I'll do anything for you . .. anything.
*whimper 훌쩍이다, 훌쩍이며 말하다
Gon whimpered.
*facedown 얼굴을 숙이고, 엎드려 있는
I glimpsed Steel Wire lying facedown on the floor. I don't know why those words came out of me.
*step on …을 (짓)밟다, [남의 감정]을 해치다, [남]을 야단치다
"Say sorry. To everyone you've hurt. To the butterfly you killed. To the bugs you've stepped on carelessly. Say you're sorry."
+) Just step on this. - Step on it?
여기 밟고 오면 돼. - 밟아요?
+) No! Don't step on it!
안 돼! 밟으면 안 돼!
I had come here to apologize to Gon, and now I was telling him to apologize. 나는 곤에게 사과하러 여기에 온 거였는데, 이제는 그에게 사과하라고 말하고 있었다.
*lethargic [lə|θɑːrdʒɪk] 혼수상태의, 무기력한, 나른한
My body felt lethargic, as if I were letting myself sink into deep water.
+) The weather made her lethargic.
날씨가 그녀를 무기력하게 만들었다.
+) Lack of exercise makes you feel lethargic.
운동이 부족하면 몸이 나른해집니다.
*primordial [praɪ|mɔːrdiəl] 태고의, 원시[원초]적인 (=primeval)
*come into focus (초점이 맞추어져) 뚜렷이 보이다, 뚜렷해지다
I was returning to a primordial place where I had lived before I was born. A blurry scene started to come into focus as if someone were playing a movie in my head.
*sprawl [sprɔːl] 팔다리를 아무렇게나 벌리고 앉다, 큰 대자로 눕다
*sprawl out 널브러지다, 드러눕다, 뻗다
A snowy day. My birthday. Mom is sprawled out on the floor, her blood soaking the snow.
*get out of the way 물러서다, 피하다, 비켜나다, 비키다
I see Granny. Her face is as fierce as a wild beast's. She screams from outside the window, Go, go, get out of the way!
Everything turns red before my eyes.
Had Granny been in pain? As I was now? Had she, nevertheless, been relieved that she was the one in pain, and not me?
할머니는 아프셨을까? 지금 나처럼? 그럼에도 불구하고 할머니는 내가 아니라 자신이 아프다는 사실에 안도하셨을까?
*plop [plɑːp] 퐁당[툭] 하고 떨어지다, 퐁당 (하는 소리)
*teardrop 눈물방울
*flooded in/out 넘쳐흐르다
A teardrop fell on my face. It was hot. So hot that it burned. Just then, something inside my heart exploded. Strange feelings flooded in. No, they didn't flood in, they flooded out.
*surge 쇄도, 치밀어 오름[온몸을 휩쌈], 급증, (강한 감정이) 휩싸다[휘감다]
A dam that had existed somewhere inside my body burst. A sudden surge. Something inside me broke free, forever.
*nausea [ˈnɔːziə] 메스꺼움, 욕지기
"I feel it." A wave of nausea hit me. I wanted to throw up the disgust that was surging into me.
*drowsiness 졸음
*overcome (… 때문에) 꼼짝 못하게 되다, 압도당하다, 극복하다
*vanish from sight 시야에서 사라지다
Suddenly, an unbearable drowsiness overcame me. The face of Gon, all wet with tears, vanished from sight.
*drift away 멀어져 가다, 가버리다, 줄행랑치다
At last, I became a human. And at that very moment, the world was drifting far away from me.
In fact, this is the end of my story.
*postscript 후기
So, what follows is a sort of postscript to my story.
*slip out 빠져나가다
My soul slipped out of my body and looked down at Gon, holding me in his arms, crying.
*hairless 대머리의, 털이 없는
*patch 반점, (특히 주변과는 다른 조그만) 부분, 조각
*shape like 모양이 ~처럼 되다
The hairless patch on his head was shaped like a star.
*come to 의식을 차리다
When I came to, I was back in reality.
*on and off /off and on…하다가 말다가 (하다)
I dozed on and off for hours. It took several months for me to fully recover and start walking again.
*recur 되풀이 되다, 다시 일어나다
*recurring dream 반복되는 꿈
In my sleep, I had the same recurring dream.
*track-and-field event 육상 경기(뛰기, 던지기, 뛰어넘기 등의 경기를 포함)
A track-and-field event is taking place in front of us. Gon grins and slides something into my hand.
*translucent 투명한
*curved line 곡선
I spread out my fingers to find a translucent marble rolling in my palm. A red curved line through the middle looks like a smile.
*by turns 차례로, 교대로, 번갈아
As I roll the marble around in my hand, the red line keeps flipping, making a sad face and a smiley face by turns.
*knock against 부딪히다
I roll the candy around with my tongue. Sometimes it knocks against my teeth, making click click sounds.
*prickle 따가워지다, 간질거리다, (무서움· 화·흥분 등으로) 곤두서다, 오싹하다
*pungent [ˈpʌndʒənt] (맛·냄새가) 톡 쏘는 듯한[몹시 자극적인], 날카로운
Salty and sharp, pungent or bitter.
*waft [wɑːft; wæft] (공기중으로) 퍼지다, 한 줄기 냄새[연기]
*waft up 물씬 올라오다, 퍼져 나오다
Amid it all wafts up the sweetest scent that keeps me sniffing hungrily.
*starting pistol 발사 피스톨, 출발 신호용 피스톨
*push off 멀어져 가다[떠나가다]
*break into ~하기 시작하다
*break into a run 달리기 시작하다
*split the air 공중을 가르다
We push off the ground and break into a run. It is not a race, it's just running. All we need to do is simply feel our bodies splitting the air.
* * *
*rush to 달려가다
That day, right after I passed out, Professor Yun rushed to the scene with the police.
It would've been a lot cooler if we had solved everything by ourselves, but to grown-ups, I guess we were still just kids.
*seek sb/sth out (특히 많은 노력을 기울여) ~을 찾아내다
+) seek-sought-sought
It was not too difficult to track Steel Wire from there.
*beyond imaginable 상상을 초월하는
The things Steel Wire had done were beyond imaginable and it's hard to list everything here.
*heavy sentence 무거운 형량
*give a chance 기회를 주다
I hoped that someday in his life he'd be given a chance to be able to wear a different expression on his face.
*leave of absence 휴직
*solely [ˈsoʊlli]오로지, 단지; 단독으로
Professor Yun took a leave of absence from his college to change his life and live solely for Gon. Gon still didn't talk to him much. But Professor Yun said he would never give up trying.
*evaporate [ɪˈvæpəreɪt] (차츰) 사라지다[증발하다], 증발하다
I supposed she had found her dream again, the one she'd said had evaporated.
Right now my dream has kinda evaporated.(Day 16)
*colorful expressions 다채로운 표현
You have more colorful expressions now.
*undergo (특히 변화·안 좋은 일 등을) 겪다[받다]
The strange changes that my body and mind had suddenly undergone.
*diagnosis [|daɪəɡ│noʊsɪs] 진단
To be honest, I have always doubted your diagnosis.
*label [ˈleɪbl] (특히 부당하게) 딱지[꼬리표]를 붙이다, 표[라벨/상표]
*put a label on ...에 라벨을 붙이다
I was a doctor myself once, but doctors like to put labels on patients. It helps them treat abnormal symptoms, or even abnormal people. But the human brain is rather a strange thing.
*prevail [prɪˈveɪl] 이기다[승리하다], 만연[팽배]하다
And I still truly believe that the heart can prevail over the brain.
*in a way 어느 정도는, 어떤 면에서는
What I'm trying to say is that you might have just grown in a way that's a little different from how other people grow."
*for better or for worse 좋은 일이건 나쁜 일이건
* * *
*significant 의미심장한
*itching to ~하고 싶어서 근질근질 하다, ~하고 싶어서 참을 수 없다
"I don't usually like people who ruin surprises when they give out presents. But sometimes, like now, I am itching to tell you. I'll just give you a hint. You'll meet somebody in a bit. I hope you like the surprise.
*unfold 펼치다
*crude 대충의, 대강의, 세련되지 않은
A white piece of paper was folded into a square. I slowly unfolded the letter. There were a few crude letters, written with care.
*period 마침표
I hoped that period could transform Gon's life. Would we ever meet again? I hoped so. Truly.
The person sitting in it beamed at me. A familiar smile. Of course it was, I'd known it ever since I was born.
As soon as I said the word, Mom burst into tears.
I wasn't sure if it was because my emotional range wasn't that wide yet, or because my head had grown too big for that crying-in-front-of-Mom thing.
I cry. And laugh, at the same time. So does Mom.
I've graduated from high school and become what you call an adult.
I pass by those flowers to see Gon. Not for any particular reason or because I have something to say to him.
*just because 그냥(아무 이유 없을 때 사용)
+) Why didn't you come to my party? 왜 파티에 안 왔어?
-Mm, just because. 음, 그냥.
Just because. Just to see a friend. A good friend of mine whom everyone called a monster.
From now on this is an entirely different story. Completely new and unpredictable.
* * *
*unfold 전개되다
I do not know how this story will unfold. As I said, neither you nor I nor anyone can ever know whether a story is happy or tragic.
*take on 특정한 특질[모습] 등을 띠다
Life takes on various flavors as it flows.
The black clouds had taken on an odd greenish color.(매트하 23-7/46p)
+)The chameleon can take on the colors of its background.
카멜레온은 배경색을 띨 수 있다.
+) His voice took on a more serious tone.
목소리 톤이 더 심상치 않았다.
*confront 맞서다
*throw at 던지다, 무섭게 달려들다; (남을) 조롱하다, 바보 취급하다
*nothing more, nothing less 그 이상도 그 이하도 아닌
l've decided to confront it. Confront whatever life throws at me, as I always have. And however much I can feel, nothing more, nothing less.
1. 게시물 숙제
Almond를 읽고 기억하고 싶은 문장, 단어나 구문 등을 골라 댓글로 올려주세요.
2. 녹음 숙제
카톡 기능을 이용하여 5분간 원서를 읽거나 단어나 주요문장을 반복해서 소리내어 읽어주세요.
3. 숙제를 마치고 출석부에 숙제완료 체크도 잊지마세요.
1. Why was he trying so hard to do what he was never good at?
답글삭제2. I wanted throw up the disgust that was surging into me.
3. I can feel, nothing more, nothing less.
Glisten 번들거리다
Manifestation 징후, 표현, 나타남
Vulnerability 취약성, 약점
Fluorescent 형광색의
Smudge 자국을 남기다
Wail 울부짖다
Smear 얼룩지다
Lush 무성한, 우거진
Thrash 때리다, 몸부림을 치다, 허우적 거리다
Pit 구덩이
Tug 잡아당기다, 끌어당기다
Ooze 걸쭉한 액체가 흐르다, 스며들다
Whimper 훌쩍이다
Lethargic 혼수상태의
Primordial 태고의, 원시적인
Sprawl 대자로 눕다
Surge 쇄도, 치밀어 오름
Nausea 메스꺼움
Surge 밀려오다
Drowsiness 졸음
Translucent 투명한
Prickle 따가워지다, 간질거리다
Pungent 톡 쏘는 듯한
Waft 퍼지다, 한 줄기 냄새
Confront 맞서다
1. Let me just ask you this. Is this what you really want?
답글삭제2. A weak softie who just pretended to be strong.
3. His voice was soft, his intonation rising pleasantly at the end of his sentence as he gave me a smile.
4. Why I’d stayed until the end. I told them I’d only done what was easiest for me, the only thing someone who can’t feel fear could do.
5. I wanted to shake my head to tell him that he didn’t have to say that, but I was already worn out.
6. I also had so many questions left unanswered.
7. A tragedy that’s too distant cannot be “your” tragedy.
8. They said they sympathized, but easily forgot.
9. Something inside me broke free, forever.
10. I wasn’t sure if it was because my emotional range wasn’t that wide yet, or because my head had grown too big for that crying-in-front-of-Mom thing.
11. I wanted to say more and tell her everything that had happened, but where would I begin?
1. It was a manifestation of their vulnerability because they longed for strength.
답글삭제2. The kind of person who tears up at a drop of blood who feels pain for others’ pain.
3. The memory flashed into my mind.
dusk 황혼질녘
vapor 수증기
at the tip of my tongue 하마터면 말이나올뻔
take the blow 일격을가하다
tragedy 비극